When: 11 August
Where:Ermita de Santa Clara (Ondarroa)
We've gone to try to survive the heat on the coast, we've bathed in the beach that was being emptied, dining out and watching the concerts of Santa Clara Day. Following the directions we've found along the way, we've thrown flip flops under the heels and flashlights of mobile in our hand. The sound of the waves coming from the right margin has been joining with the music that is heard from the top of the hill. The concert has already begun, before the hours announced.
Santa Clara de Ondarroa consists of two buildings and a dwarf hermitage; those that at some point were built in the name of the Christian faith are now revived by other beliefs. Under the grove, the stage is opposite the hermitage, with curious supports: the bafles are held by cut logs and the synthesizer by a structure of old house furniture.
After the Hil group of the Vizcaine locality, the Uger group, from Bilbao, is on the stage, with about 50 people watching. On the poster I've been able to read alternative rock with the name of last name, and on many occasions they've also put punk rock. It can be one of those bands that is not easy to put the last name, as they swim in very varied musical influences. For me, Uger is a list of musical groups that I use as an ointment to silence the interior noise – it is a surname that is too long and too much of mine, I know. They have had the participation of artists of the size of Fugazi, New Order, Marmol, Joy Division, Nirvana, Sonic Youth or Anari.
It took me, at first, to concentrate on the concert, thanks to the work to locate me in such a special new place and the dismissed people I have not seen. But as I did when I first heard it, I got stuck in the instrumental of the song Denbora.Bajo the title El Ser, Cinco y La Fe y el Fin sing their song and landing with Rosales. They've created a powerful direct by mixing old, new, intermediate and some version.
“Bilbao is a giant coffin that eats Ugerra,” wrote Sonia González. The Quintet, coming from the bowels of the giant Ataúd, has shared, to finish the concert, its survival formula. Giving way to the melodies of electronics that follow, they have staged an experiment settled on the premises, singing “we will do what we like, we will multiply” and dancing Santa Clara.
We're going to grow, yeah. But in the meantime, we'll do whatever we like, fill with music the overwhelming cities and the hills on the coast, and find ourselves on the warm summer nights with chanclets to do our time and our destinies. That also lies in our faith and our purpose.
WHEN: January 18th.
IN WHICH: Jimmy Jazz of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
I have a question in my mind lately: how much do things change in 30 years? Yes, reader, you guessed it: I’ve just turned three decades old. It will be a... [+]
Chulería, fuck!
WHEN: 5 January.
WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
As I filled the room, looking down behind the railing above the theater, I've been playing to see if I find someone younger than me before the... [+]
Beyoncé at the break of an American football game in Houston, Texas. The American singer has come to the center of the stadium in a cowboy suit that she's had access to. The hat covers the nice, the legs the boots long to the knees. The scarce white suit shows her thighs and... [+]
When: 21 December.
Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
Every year Bilbao will be on the 21st of December. The cider and talo, protagonists of the day, is the day of the fair of St. Thomas. This year,... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
Where: Ahotsenea (Plateruena, Durango)
When: 8 December
Scarves, umbrellas and eye holes are the protagonists of December 8 in Durango. On the last day of the fair they have joined at noon on Sunday and the densest winter... [+]
Anari + Belako When:
5 December.
Where: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.
I remember that the first time I saw Belako live was in the first month of Erasmus. I didn't go to see them, but a concert that was finally suspended. In return,... [+]