After seeing the word, I thought I would write the chronicle. I've thought, why is it [pause] to recite [pause] so poems are? I've also told my friends I'm going to a poetic recital. And they've also told me uf, I don't understand poetry. I've been opened up by dogs and eyes and they're not, and I've thought a lot about the ability of soccer players to fill the stadiums. I have thought, or rather, I have been led to think that I and my eighty meter bother the 60th Tube in concerts, but that I always stand next to the top. I've imagined musicians making sticks and I've put myself in the skin of what's changing from home. This one that I have an Ikea closet, an Ikea bed, an Ikea lamp, the Ikea stor and a bunch of Ikea nonsense, has thought touché. And that angry reading is also normal when you read the abuse of children aged 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 years, 5, 4, 3, in 2, 1… I have also searched the name of the looperra on the Internet because what paw a looper is and I have seen what they have used to play with the voice. When they talked about the Santa Agueda, which is bloody, I thought how daring it is to be to do this, not only to do poetry, but to do poetry like that. I'm also not a tarot fan, a believer, of superstitions, and I'd like to believe, but I don't know what. And I don't have cats either, but I thought maybe I would need one to have someone to fill and control those gaps. I've been unlocked by my memories with Sabrina Spellman and I've thought about who my Sabrina is, who would I want to meet? Who would have been an absolute disappointment among my referees? All the cars that you see from Pasaia Bay don't fit into a glance, nor everything I've thought about these 2,000 characters. And again I touched, because I also liked to use the parents, but well, we've all done it. I've thought about the future kid, who will have to see that in the world there are perverse people, bolero, pork, cannibal, perfect and hundreds of other kinds. Something has made me pum in, because it's not the only way to do things. Please keep doing and sewing #MessengerToThePeople. More is needed.
WHEN: January 18th.
IN WHICH: Jimmy Jazz of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
I have a question in my mind lately: how much do things change in 30 years? Yes, reader, you guessed it: I’ve just turned three decades old. It will be a... [+]
Chulería, fuck!
WHEN: 5 January.
WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
As I filled the room, looking down behind the railing above the theater, I've been playing to see if I find someone younger than me before the... [+]
Beyoncé at the break of an American football game in Houston, Texas. The American singer has come to the center of the stadium in a cowboy suit that she's had access to. The hat covers the nice, the legs the boots long to the knees. The scarce white suit shows her thighs and... [+]
When: 21 December.
Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
Every year Bilbao will be on the 21st of December. The cider and talo, protagonists of the day, is the day of the fair of St. Thomas. This year,... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.
Where: Ahotsenea (Plateruena, Durango)
When: 8 December
Scarves, umbrellas and eye holes are the protagonists of December 8 in Durango. On the last day of the fair they have joined at noon on Sunday and the densest winter... [+]
Anari + Belako When:
5 December.
Where: Sala Zentral de Pamplona.
I remember that the first time I saw Belako live was in the first month of Erasmus. I didn't go to see them, but a concert that was finally suspended. In return,... [+]
We have known Aitor Bedia Hans, a singer of the Añube group for a long time. At that time we were reconciled with BEÑAT González, former guitarist of the Añube group. It was at the university time, when the two young people of Debagoiena came to Bilbao to study with music in... [+]