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For your child to shine in school too

  • The teachers and fathers and mothers have in their hands that in the next course every child stands out positively in the school. And bring the motivation to the top so that the child's development is optimal. The Golden 5 educational programme, created in Europe and also being extended in Hego Euskal Herria, shows us that changing perspectives and incorporating small techniques in daily life give spectacular results. Summer is a good time to enjoy a positive view of children.
2009an Golden 5ek bi sari lortu zituen: Europako Hezkuntza praktika onenak dituzten hamar proiektuen sarietako bat, eta Europako proiekturik onenaren sarian Brontzea. Argazkian eskuinean, Maria José Lera Brontzezko Izarra eskuan duela.
2009an Golden 5ek bi sari lortu zituen: Europako Hezkuntza praktika onenak dituzten hamar proiektuen sarietako bat, eta Europako proiekturik onenaren sarian Brontzea. Argazkian eskuinean, Maria José Lera Brontzezko Izarra eskuan duela.

Once in the classroom, we find ourselves first with a group of students. In the experiences of our school we also have the classroom environment, leaderships, conflicts and friendships. On the contrary, little work is done on the group dynamics in the Magisterium career and the theories of social psychology have been applied very little in education.

The Golden 5 program, which was launched for the management of coexistence, is based on two theories of collective relationships: the theory of attributions and the theory of expectations. This was explained by María José Lera, a pioneer in the program (PhD in Psychology by the University of Seville), at the conferences organized by the Berritzegunes of Gipuzkoa in May: “The theory of attributions was founded in 1958 by Weiner and is a fundamental theory of group relations. When a man performs an attribution, whether correct or incorrect, the natural tendency of other men is to affirm the attributions. Our mind will unconsciously seek some experience that confirms the attribution made by the other.” Lera, with a positive energy and a sense of humor, described how the dynamics of the attributes within the school work: “When a teacher says ‘what tomorrow has Room 6.A given me! How they are!’ is an attribution. The other teacher who has listened to us will look in the head for an experience that will confirm and say: ‘It is true, the reception clerk once again told me that we have a good relationship with this group...’. The relationship between these teachers is close and there is, nothing happens.” Or does it happen? She asked: “Does this teacher’s thought affect the classroom or not? Why? Because we end up seeing what we think. How am I going to get into that room? Seeing that it's very difficult. Before entering the room, I will look unconsciously (because all this is an unconscious process) at the three who are standing and the two who are talking and I will think ‘I already knew! This room is fluttered!’ What do we do unconsciously? Disturbance. And in the end, the group itself will think that they are predators.” It would be ideal for no attribution to be made, but this was impossible for men. Therefore, Golden 5 proposes a rule for the professional context: to do only positive attributions. “6.Atik When we come to the class of teachers, we can say that ‘6.A is that... a very smart room... and as they are... the group is very active... and the teachers are challenging us very interesting eh!”. Another professor will say, ‘It is true that very interesting ideas were launched the other day.’ ‘They go very active, very creative...’. It's the same, but it looks different. And the group will end up believing that they are very creative and we will all be harnessing their potential.”

Lera recalled the importance of teachers and the class hearing in terms of positive attributions: “It’s not the same to do the assignments in your house as in the classroom, or in front of the audience, inside the classroom. Suppose we cast it in front of the whole class, and I'm doing an assignment. This student has a great capacity for languages! What will other colleagues think? They will look for an experience that confirms ‘ah, yes, a weekend went to London, so speak so well in English’. My attribution is now shared and widespread, now the whole room will see it, as we've said, because we see what we think. And every time he says something in English, the others will perceive ‘ooo, which he says well’, but what if he is wrong? What will the audience say? He will attribute it to external factors: he has a bad day, bad luck, the text was very difficult ... But the group will believe that that person has good ability for languages.” But positive attributions are not always made: “Very rarely, the comment escapes us and we tend to ‘aix, you are not for this.’ We're doing an attribution, which is shared, and the whole class will see what they think, that is, it doesn't serve to read. When we tell this student: ‘Read aloud’. How will you read it? a weak and totally diminished voice. What does the audience say? You don't know, you do it wrong. But let's think that the child faces all of this and reads well. What will the audience say? He has achieved this thanks to external factors: he is doing well, but because he is lucky, that text would already know him, he has a good day ... But he does not know how to read for himself.”

The goal is clear: every child deserves a positive attribution in the classroom and before everyone. To say how good it is on a subject like this. “We are all good at something, so we have to look for each good. Some get out of us right away, others have to look for a little more.” Because positive attributions imply the Pigmalion effect associated with the theory of expectations.

Gold Glasses: Failure or success depends on what we expect

“If you think the student is going to go well, take good notes. If you think it's going to go wrong, take a bad note. What an eye the teachers have, we are almost magicians!” Studies have shown that an adult with high expectations of a student, without noticing, pays more attention, gives the explanations better and in his/her way, encourages him/her more (“you can”), disparages his/her mistakes (“quiet, this is nothing, you’re still”), engages... "What is that adult doing at last?" facilitating the learning process,” explains Lera. It behaves the other way when the adult, without realizing it, has modest expectations towards this student. What do you do about that? “We have to have high expectations for every child. That is, we have to wear our Gold glasses.”

In the classroom, as in life, there are always some that stand out, that go very well academically, with high expectations -- and others that shine less. The key is to bring all students the relationship model that is created with those who do well. Lera has underlined the importance of making it conscious and methodically, making visible the sense of number 5 of the Golden Programme: “We will take the children from five to five and write. If we don't write, we'll always forget about them. Let’s take the mixed students, who go two very well, who have two problems and one that is usually called ‘gray’. Working in five, in the next period (let’s say in a couple of weeks) we must make them shine in front of the other colleagues.”

Clear short- and medium-term results

The CAV teachers who have implemented Lera and Golden 5 have confirmed the following immediate results: those who do well will be fine and whatever is “gray” in a short time will begin to notice. It is called gray those who attend the class, perform housework and although the tests are passed, they do not stand out. “When you look at them, when you say “you are very good at this” they already look differently and start to change.” Those who went wrong in the academic field improve a lot, but Lera has explained that we have to give more fridges to the Gold: “They start to see changes within two months, depending on the case.”

The changes are small and simple, and the achievements are great. The head of Golden del Berritzegune de Lasarte, Ana Azkona, tells us that being small does not mean superficial: “Strategies are very reasonable, for example, keeping your gaze is what attracts that person’s attention. That's simple, but some of them can't. Touching a person in the classroom is very simple but what it brings is a great change and requires a personal change, seeing the other person, seeing that he can, believing in it... It's very deep. That teacher throws a new look at the students, you become Professor Golden. Where does it lead us to focus only on negative things? To justify that there is nothing to do. Even in the most disappointing cases is the road, you have to look for the positive side and from there get all its potential and its virtues to the lever”.

Fathers also Golden

The house is basic. When the family and school go together, the results are clearer: “Families have to involve themselves in this approach. Let us be called even when our children are fine, we share the good. Positive messages must be sent to the family. Everyone must be taken five in five so that we do not forget anyone's parents. If the child goes wrong, we will give him positive messages on a social level. My parents have been crying to us ‘No one has ever told me anything positive about my son, he is 15 years old and it is a failure’. If they only call me when it is a problem, I will go in a defensive attitude and if he calls me the professor will be because he doesn't know what to do with the situation, but I don't know what to do either. Let's not get together in what we don't know, let's get together well. If you call me ‘come, your son behaves in an impressive way and in mathematics amazes me’, I will grow up with seeds. We're going to enjoy these moments. Let us walk together with the gaze that unites us. The problems are still there, but we're going to make the problems a little bit smaller and we're going to try to solve them with a plan, with a staircase. Little by little we will climb the steps and if anyone is very large and we cannot climb, we will put smaller levels. But let's have that look: of course it's possible, of course we can. It’s in our hands.”

Gazako lerroko 30 ikastetxetan martxan

Bost herrialdetako eta diziplina anitzeko profesionalek (psikologo, soziologo, hezkuntzako langile, bitartekari...) hasi zuten proiektua 2004an: norvegiar, belgikar, italiar, poloniar eta andaluziarrek. Europar Batasunak diruz lagundu zuen hasieratik eta hezkuntzan motibazioa hobetzeko irtenbideak, estrategiak, erramintak ematea zuen helburu, elkarbizitzari lotuta.


“2006rako ikusi genuen proiektuak funtzionatzen zuela. Frogatu behar genuen ea funtzionatzen zuen gehien behar zen testuinguruetan”. Argi du Maria José Lerak: “Gehien behar den lekua Gazako lerroa da. Gazako lerroak 2006an eskatu zigun proiektua, eta Europak eragotzi bazigun ere (esan zigun proiektua europarra zela eta ez palestinarra), Europari erantzun genion dirua ukatuko zigula baina gogoa ez. Dirurik gabe baina joan egin ginen eta bertako bi eskola palestinarretako irakasleak formatzen hasi ginen”. Proiektua emaitzak ematen hasi zen baina 2009ko Gabonak iritsi ziren eta Gazako lerroa erabat bonbardatu zuten “Berun urtua” operazioan: Golden 5 programa martxan zuten eskolak bonbardatu zituzten, formatzaileen GKEa bonbardatu zuten... Txikizioa eragin zuen operazioa bukatu eta urtarrilaren 18an telefonoz mezu hau jaso zuten: “Mesedez, Gazan behar dugun bakarra Goldena da”. Lera mintzo da: “Umeen etsipen maila terriblea zen, eta halakoetan behar dugu norbanakoaren garapena. Segurtasun hori, konfiantza hori, bizitzan aurrera jarraitzeko. Gelara zerbait positiboa iristea falta zen eta hori handi-handi jartzea. Gehien behar zuten garaia zen. Israelek sartzea eragotzi zigun eta oraindik debekatzen digu, baina ari gara lortzen”. Urtarril honetan jarri dute martxan proiektua Gazako lerroko 30 eskoletan. Ikastaroak on-line ematen dituzte eta Zisjordanian ere 350 irakasle eta 16 eskolarekin ari dira. “Han funtzionatzen badu, denean funtzionatu behar du”.

Kepa Goikoetxea, Laskorain ikastolako irakaslea
«Eskola porrota bizitzen ari zen ikasleak txapeldunen ligan bukatu zuen ikasturtea»

Berritzeguneak antolatutako jardunaldietan DBH 3ko esperientzia kontatu zuen Tolosako Laskorain Ikastolako Kepa Goikoetxeak: “Atribuzio txarrekin zetorren ikasle hura, oso markatuta, desmotibatuta eta itxaropen handirik gabe”. Golden 5eko estrategiak erabiltzen hasi zen Goikoetxea ikasgelan eta ikaslea hobeto erantzuten hasi zen. Ohar positiboak idazten zizkien irakasleak eta denen aurrean irakurtzen, egunero ikasle bati, eta aipatutakoaren txanda iritsi zen: “Lehenengo ohar positiboa jaso zuenean, erreakzioa bat-batekoa izan zen”. Irakaslearekin hitz egiteko hitzordua hartu zuen, eta oharragatik eskerrak eman ostean galdetu zion:
-    Zuk beste irakasleekin hitz egiten duzu?
-    Bai...
-    Eta zuk nire aurreko notak badakizkizu?
-    Ez naiz gogoratzen... zerbait esan nahi didazu edo?
-    Oso gaizki ibili nintzen DBH 1. mailan.
-    A, ez nekien.
-    DBH 2ra juxtu-juxtu pasa nintzen.
-     Pasa bazinen zure meritua izango zen...
-     Ez, ez, pasa egin ninduten garbi. Eta gero jada DBH 3. mailara ziur deskartez pasa nintzela. Nik ez nuen hemen egon behar.
-     Eta non egon nahi zenuen?
-     Ez, ez, hemen egon nahi nuen baina nik ez dut ezer egin hemen egoteko. Ez dakit badakizun...
-     Bada nik ongi ikusten zaitut.
-     Egiatan?
-     Bai, poesia egin genuen hartan Xabier Leteren lau disko zuk ekarri zenituen. Eta etxean zegoen bertso-liburua ere bai.
-     Bai, tira, etxean hautsa hartzen zeuden.
Handik aurrera, ikasleari buruzko atribuzio positiboak egin zituen irakasleak ikasleen eta beste irakasleen aurrean. “Ikaslea balorazio positiboei gustua hartzen hasi zitzaien. Edozein aitzakia baliatzen zuen nire gelara etortzeko”. Irakaslearen gelara sartu zen batean, Rubiken kuboa begiz jo zuen eta egiten irakasteko eskatu zion. Ostegunero 19:30ean joaten zen 15 urteko gaztea irakaslearenera kuboa egiten ikastera. “Eta tartean, beste gauza askoz hitz egitera”. Mezu eta balorazio positiboak jaso ahala, ikaslea erronkari heltzen hasi zitzaion, ikasgelako jarrera eta lana hobetuz, baina “nik etxean ez dut hori entzun, ez naute horrela ikusten eta oso zanpatua nago” aitortu zion irakasleari. Berari ezer esan gabe, gurasoekin bildu zen irakaslea. “Ama etsita zegoen, etxean errietan egunero, jada ez zion semeari eskolako kontuez galdetu ere egiten. Aitak esan zidan ‘nik bai, nik txikitu egiten dut, esaten diot: ez duzu egin, ez duzu ikasturtea gaindituko, ez zara gai, zure arreba askoz bizkorragoa da, zurekin beti berdin, nazkatuta gaude...’”. Irakasleek gurasoei proposatu zien Golden ikuspegia lantzea: [aitari] “Esaiozu harengan itxaropen osoa duzula, ongi joango dela”. Aitaren erantzuna: “Nik hori esaten ez dakit”. Irakaslearen proposamena: “Isilik egon zaitezke?”, “bai”. Amak hitz eman zuen bera saiatuko zela ikasketei buruzko mezu positiboak ematen. “Mutilak ikasturtea txapeldunen ligan amaitu zuen”. Gurasoak uztailean irakaslearengana joan ziren, negarrez: “Ez dakit zer egin duzun, baina eskerrik asko”.

Motibazioaren gakoak: ikasle onena, erori ostean zutitzen dena

Arreta, esfortzua eta irauteko gaitasuna. Aldagai horien araberakoa da ikasteko motibazioa. Pertsonak badu gaitasuna bere barrutik bere burua motibatzeko. Nola sustatu barne motibazioa? Lau eremu hauek landuta: testuingurua, behar psikologikoak, pentsatzen duguna eta emozioak. Leraren hitzetan: “Horrek ekarriko digu eskolako emaitza hobea, baina batez ere ekarriko digu pertsonaren garapen osoa”.

Testuingurua: “Haur hezkuntzako gela barruan aurkitzen ditugu koloreak, kortinak, apaingarriak, loreak, formak... baina mailaz igo heinean ez dakit zergatik, DBHko 4. mailan landaretxo bat aurkitzea... Argazkitan bakarrik gertatzen da! Goazen  erraztera, goazen goxo egoteko, interesa gehitzeko elementuak sartzera”.

Behar psikologikoak: Gizakiaren oinarrizko hiru behar psikologiko hauek asetzean motibazioa ikaragarri hazten da. Batetik, konpetente sentitzeko beharra: ahal duela, badakiela, gauzak egiteko gai dela ikustea. “Erabil dezagun eskola jada egiten dakizkien gauza horiek jendaurrean erakusteko. Jar diezazkiegun lanak distira egin dezaten. Esan ahal izan dezaten ‘ikusten zeinen ona naizen honetan’. Berak merezi duela, balio duela seguru izango du. Eta bere burua maite duenak, balio duela dakienak, zer egiten du eroritakoan? Altxa”. Bigarrenik, autonomo sentitzeko beharra dugu: “Utzi aukeratzen zer egin, utzi erabakitzen lana taldean, binaka edo irakasleak lagunduta egitea nahi duen...”. Azkenik, ongi harremanduta sentitzeko beharra dugu: maite gaituzten ikaskide eta helduak behar ditugu inguruan, baldintzarik gabeko laguntza eskaintzen digutenak.

Pentsatzen dugunaren garrantzia: Gure buruaz pentsatzen dugunak emango digu bizitzarekiko estilo bat. Pertsona batzuek estilo optimistagoa dute, eta beste batzuek ikuspegia gehiago dute porrotera bideratua. Horri lotua dago eskola porrota, Leraren arabera: “Eskola porrota horixe besterik ez baita, etsitzea, erori eta ez altxatzea, ‘zertarako saiatuko naiz?’ pentsatzea ‘nik ez dut honetarako balio, ez dut inoiz lortzen’...”. Behin eta berriz altxatzea da gakoa: “Ez da hobea inoiz erortzen ez dena. Hobea da gehiagotan altxatzen dena. Zutitzeko behar duguna da esperientzia positibo asko eta asko izatea norberaren garapenean konfiantza izateko: ‘Gogoratzen zara erori zinen hartan nola altxa zinen?’ eta orduan indarra ateratzen du batek eta oztopoa zena palanka bihurtzen da gora egiteko. Gehiagotan zutitzen dena indartsuagoa da palanka hori topatzen duelako ‘jakina lortuko dudala’”. Palanka  sustatzeko helduok dugun arduraz ohartarazi gaitu Lerak: “Ikasle bat Lehen Hezkuntzako matematikan trabatuta zebilen eta etxera joanda amak esan zion: ‘zu ni bezalakoa zara, niri beti gaizki eman zaizkit matematikak’. Hara zer espektatiba garatu zituen. Saiatzeari utzi zion, juxtu-juxtuan gainditzen zituen eta kito. DBHko 3. mailan zegoenean irakasle batek hartu zuen bere azterketa eta esan zion ‘konturatu zara matematiketarako neurrizgorako gaitasunak dituzula?’. Eta matematiketako adarra hartu zuen! Bi esaldi izan ziren”.

Emozioak: “Edozein ekintzaren oinarria direnez, goazen klima emozionala lantzera gelan. Garatu dezagun emozio positiboak erakarriko dituen testuingurua. Erabili dezagun giroa, umore asko, musika zergatik ez?”.

Goldenak bost eremutan lantzen ditu bere oinarriak

1. Gelaren kudeaketa (irakasleak taldea kudeatzeko erramintez jabetzea)

2. Harremanak eraikitzea (harreman onak lantzea ikasleekin)

3. Kilma soziala (talde osasuntsua lortzea)

4. Ikaskuntza doitua (ikasle bakoitzaren mailara egokitua)

5. Familia (Golden ikuspegian partaide egitea)

Informazio osoa: webgunean.

Hego Euskal Herrian

Duela bi urte hasi ziren Golden 5 programa lantzen Ordizia, Lasarte eta Durangoko Berritzeguneetan. Batez beste bakoitzean 15 ikastetxe ari dira (argazkian, maiatzeko jardunaldietan euren esperientzia kontatu zuten Gipuzkoako irakasleak). Datorren ikasturtean Irun, Donostia eta Eibarko Berritzeguneak eta Iruñeko Irakasleen Laguntzarako Zentroa hasiko dira lantzen. Proiektua abiatzen ari da, beraz. Hurrengo ikasturterako sakontze maila prestatu dute eta bertan parte hartuko duten irakasleek konpromisoa hartu dute euren ikastetxean lanketa sistematizatzeko eta zabaltzeko.

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