According to the newspaper El Diario Vasco, in 2021, when six students denounced the abuses, the Ertzaintza initiated an investigation into the case. A court of Irun ordered, as a preventive measure, the entry into prison of the surf teacher of the Gipuzkoan locality. Since then he has been in jail. During this time, five other students have filed a complaint about ill-treatment at the Ertzaintza. Thus, the Prosecutor ' s Office of Gipuzkoa has requested 85 years ' imprisonment for each child, with the exception of three cases in which it has applied for 12 years ' imprisonment for each of them. He asks for a one-year sentence for possession of material for the sexual exploitation of the child. The trial will be held between 10 and 21 March in the Third Section of the Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa.
The defendant, who had a surf school in Hondarribia, taught at another school in the Gipuzkoan village. The Diario Vasco explained that he had at his disposal the provisional conclusions of the Prosecutor's Office and that, according to that information, the defendant was trying to "gain the trust" of children and adolescents. In the two schools there were boys and girls aged 9 to 10 years. It was mostly the kid who chose. In her van, she shared it with her mother at home and in the bungalow of the surf camp of La Landa, she carried out sexual abuse on her students. The children who have denounced the teacher have said that at first he gave them kisses and hugs and that, finally, they practiced verbal and anal sex, and that they masturbated each other. Abuse was suspended when the student “became aware” of the teacher’s attitude and, consequently, abandoned school. Even when the student started with his girlfriend, the relationship was cut off. The students have stated that the defendant was angry when they started with his girlfriend and that he either kicked her out of school or criticized her.
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