The Government of Navarra presents the draft budget for 2025 with the approval of EH Bildu
  • EH Bildu will make possible for the sixth year in a row the budgets of lehendakari Chivite, by abstaining. If the current agreement is maintained, the proposal will be formalised at the plenary session on 19 December.
Mikel Urabaien Otamendi @mikel_ura 2024ko urriaren 31
Unai Hualde eta Jose Luis Arasti, akordioa aditzera eman duen ekitaldian. Nafarroako Legebiltzarra

In the last decade, Navarre has been experiencing a situation of political stability in terms of agreements between the parties. Since being appointed President of the Government of Navarra in 2019, María Chivite, the government has had EH Bildu year after year as an ally in agreeing budgets. Previously, in the legislature from 2015 to 2019, the economic accounts of President Uxue Barkos had already been passed smoothly, as the government formed by Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Podemos and Left-Ezkerra had an absolute majority.

EH spokeswoman Bildu, Laura Aznal, referred to all of this background as soon as she made public the agreement between her party and her government: “This agreement is a decade since UPN and the right do not condition the public policies of Navarra.”

The Minister of Finance and Economy, José Luis Arasti, of the PSN, said that “the only party that has contacted the government in relation to budgets has been EH Bildu.” "The aim is to support public services and promote economic and social progress on an equal footing," he summarised. The counsellor pointed out that the PSN, Geroa Bai and Xabier Zurekin will have a total of EUR 15 million available for amendments, while EH Bildu will have a total of EUR 4.4 million. In other words, the parties that support the government have the capacity to transform up to 10% of the project that they have already agreed and that will be published next week, and EH Bildu 3%.

The President of the Parliament of Navarra, Unai Hualde, coincided with the central objective of “strengthening” public services. As it has advanced, the bill will be published in the Official Bulletin of the Historical Territory on 5 November. The parties will then have a period of six days to make amendments to the whole and another week to make partial amendments.

To the right by unanimity

Amendments to the whole project would be discussed in plenary on 21 November, if any, and between 9 and 13 December the partial amendments would be discussed in the Committee on Economic Affairs and Finance. Finally, and in the absence of surprises, Parliament’s plenary would vote and approve the budgets on 19 December with the votes in favour of the five aforementioned formations and against UPN, pp and Vox.