Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The earthquake is suspended and called to participate in the economic campaign of the EHLG

  • The Basque Country Chamber of Agriculture has decided to suspend the 2020 Lurrama scheduled for 13 to 15 November: "Since April we have worked on different formulas adapting to the recommendations of the subprefecture, but we cannot go in the lead. We knew that the twelfth edition was going to be special, but we didn't want to believe it was held." This year’s theme was as follows: "Tomorrow's world is today's election," and on November 14, a video will be released that will gather expert testimonies. The conveners have called for participation in the Chamber of Agriculture’s economic campaign because “thanks to Lurram, the EHLG can reflect and carry out different projects every year.”

03 November 2020 - 08:03

"The world of tomorrow is the choice of today" was the motto of the 2020 Lurrama. In the words of the organizers, "the issues we wanted to deal with, more than ever before, are in our minds, and what we are going to live in this enclave will again show us that we are not on the right track. We want and need to spread these questions in society. All of our options today influence, let's start consuming differently, buying quality benefits and from here! Let us defend and encourage local farmers, now in lockdown, and tomorrow! ". The conference cycle they had organized addressed such issues as relocation, food sovereignty and a reflection on microbes.

The video will be broadcast on 14 November

On November 14 at 11:00 on the Lurrama website there will be a video in which Dominique Bourg, Marc-André Sélosse, Aurélie Trouvé and Nicolas Girod will offer their testimony in a video.

Call for financial contribution to the Basque Country Chamber of Agriculture

The organizers have appealed to all those who wish to support the work of the Basque House of Agriculture, since "thanks to Lurram, the EHLG can reflect and carry out different projects every year". Here is the possibility of making an economic contribution.

You are interested in the channel: Lurrama
2024-11-08 | Euskal Irratiak
Iñaki Berhokoirigoin
“Oraingo munduan, iruditzen zaigu kontsumitzailea ere ez dela irabazle”

Ostegun arratsean abiatu da Lurrama, Bidarteko Estian egin den mahai-inguru batekin. Bertan, Korsika eta Euskal Herriaren bilakaera instituzionala jorratu dute. Besteak beste, Peio Dufau diputatua eta Jean René Etxegarai, Euskal Hirigune Elkargoko lehendakaria, bertan... [+]

Karine Jacquemart (Special Remembrance of Lurrama this year)
"Current food and agriculture systems do not make us autonomous"
Karine Jacquemart, director of the French association Foodwatch, will be at the Lurrama trade show, a quote dedicated to sustainable and popular agriculture. With the aim of guaranteeing the right to food for all citizens, various actions are being carried out – public... [+]

2023-11-10 | Euskal Irratiak
Ostiralean ireki ditu ateak Lurramak, Iparraldeko laborantza iraunkorraren saloiak

Emazteek laborantzan leku garrantzitsua izanik ere, ainitzetan gizonen itzalean izan dira. Hori aldatu nahian, emazteak erdigunean ezarriko dituzte aurten Lurraman.

2023-07-11 | Enbata
Peasant women in light
On 10, 11 and 12 November, on the occasion of the last edition of Lurrama 2023 in the Irati room in Biarritz, the Lurrama association decided to bring its peasant wives to light with the theme ‘Peasant wives in light’.

2023-07-06 | Euskal Irratiak
Emazte laborariak argitan aurtengo Lurraman

"Emazte Laborariak Argitan"  izanen da aurtengo Lurramaren leloa. 27 emazte laborari agertzen dira afixan. Haien rolak, engaiamenduak, eskumenak eta berezitasunak azpimarratuko dituzte heldu den azaroaren 10, 11 eta 12an, Miarritzeko Irati gelan.

2022-11-11 | Euskal Irratiak
“Mendiaren erabilpena lehen baino gehiago kudeatu behar da”

Lurrama, laborantzaren saloina Miarritzeko Irati gelara itzuliko da aurten baina kasu, ostegunetik larunbatera iraganen da 17. edizioa. "Mendiguneak bizirik!" hautatu dute lema gisa eta Pirinio inguruko laborariak gomitatuak dira.

Lurrama will offer on 10, 11 and 12 November the opportunity to reflect on the mountain
In the Irati room in Biarritz the festival of popular cultivation has passed. For three days the festival and reflection will be combined with the objective of publicizing the popular model developed in front of the industrial cultivation.

Over 6,000 people meet in Lurrama to defend the "nourishing land"
On 24 October, more than 6,000 people met in Arbona to "defend the land that feeds". In fact, the organisers have pointed out that each year some 650 hectares of land for food are eliminated. The struggle not to sell land for 120 days has ended with the support of the citizens who... [+]

2021-10-19 | ARGIA
The Lurrama of this year is celebrated in Arbona to celebrate the triumph of the occupation
Lurzaindia and ELB have reported that the occupation of Arbona by Lurzaindia and ELB ends on 24 October, as they have managed to remove the buyer. On 24 October it will mark the 120th and final day of occupation and there will be the special branch 2021.

A whole town can enter Arbona

The buyer will not end up buying the house and land of Arbona. It has had to give way to the members of ELB and Lurzaindia and the associated citizens. The occupation continues, because the seller continues with the hunger of EUR 3 million and because pressure, force, solidarity... [+]

A whole town can enter Arbona

The buyer will not finally buy the estate and the house of Arbona. It has had to give way to the members of ELB and Lurzaindia and to the people together. The occupation continues, as the seller is still hungry for EUR 3 million and at the negotiating stage the pressure,... [+]

2020-11-10 | Euskal Irratiak
Beñat Molimos (Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganberako lehendakaria)
“Aurten deliberatu dugu gure diru biltze kanpaina, Lurramarekin lotzea”

Ekimen gehienak bezala, Lurrama ere ezeztatu behar izan dute aurten. Baina zer nolako ondorioak utziko ditu horrek Lurrama elkartean eta Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganberan?

2020-10-27 | ARGIA
Formatua aldaturik eta eskaintza ttipiturik, aitzina doa Lurrama

"Biharko mundua, gaurko hautua" lemapean egingo dute Lurrama aurten, azaroaren 12tik 15era, Miarritzetik atera eta Ipar Euskal Herriko xoko ezberdinetan ekimen ezberdinak eskainiz.

Eguneraketa berriak daude