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The Congress of Thieves will not be held this year

  • It is a decision taken by the organizers in the General Assembly: this year they will not organize a Congress of Thieves in Uztaritz. Insufficient motivation is the reason behind the decision.
1979an antolatu zuten lehen edizioa, festa eta aldarrikapen politikoak nahasiz. Gure Irratia

24 January 2025 - 07:00

As for the Congress of Thieves, in recent years they have been making the appointment as much as possible, but in 2025 they will not organize it. It is a decision taken in the General Assembly and reported by the media "It's a lack of motivation, whether it's to organize or to come", that's the reason why we don't renew the festive date of Uztaritz.

The festival was founded in 1979 and participation in the last years has been decreasing. In 2014 they made some changes to try to reverse the situation, in 2017 they also paused and started a phase of reflection to attract young people. In 2021 they were reunited with the organization, but apparently they do not have enough force to cause in the new dynamic. The Congress of the Thieves has always been a meeting of parties and political demands. Among its founders was the recently deceased Robert Hirigoien.

However, the organizers so far have the opening to channel the transmission and entrust the organization to a new generation: "We no longer see ourselves in the organization, but we are ready to transmit all the knowledge and elements that we have, with great pleasure. It would be great if the Conference of Thieves continued," Xabi Etchegaray, a Uztarizo, told URL0.

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