Official Section. 5.eguna
A portrait of the working class
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko irailaren 25
Johnny Deppen iritsierako ikusmin handia. Mugikor ugari ikusten dira irudian. Hain justu, 'On Falling' pelikulan maiz ageri dira mugikorrak, baina bestelako adierazpide bat dute, kritikoagoa, hauskorragoa. Zinemaldia-Gari Garaialde

Always within a framework, but we are seeing everything in the Official Section of the Festival. And that, to tell the truth, is appreciated. There’s a big difference between the dozens of “smell your eggs” in this bullfighter’s movie and the infinite silences of On Falling.

As we've read on social media, some critics and viewers have defined this first film documentary as a masterpiece, and I don't think it's a coincidence that the second film, which makes a portrait of the working class that is being weakened, is considered to be absolutely opposed by the same people. "Very boring," and "just tell this and this," we've been able to read it. As you know, in this ruined old world there is a lot of false and post-egi evidence.

On Falling

As I watched On Falling, I couldn't get out of my head the violent film by Ken Loach I, Daniel Blake. It seemed like a series set in a more contemporary context and reality and starring a woman. Then, leaving the room and returning home, I have seen the daily video analysis of Urtzi Urkizu, from Berria, who confirmed to me that the Portuguese filmmaker Laura Carreira has worked with the same producer as Ken Loach in this film.

The film On Falling tells the story of Aurora, a woman about 30 years old, who lives in Barcelona. Born in Scotland, Portuguese resides in Scotland. It works in a big warehouse like Amazon, alone, quietly and against the clock, with technologies also controlled by milliseconds, looking on the shelves for products bought by people on the Internet and organizing the boxes as soon as possible. It's an alienated, pissed job. Moreover, for the company it is nothing more than a code, the managers above it do not know their name and the workers do not relate to each other, since they will not have the possibility to communicate.

I went home and the same thing. There is not much relationship with the roommates, each one lives in their own way, each one makes his purchase and cooks his own... Each with the intention of dealing with their everyday personal accidents – we will only know those of Aurora. In his penetrating looks, he will notice that he lives in isolation, doomed to work. And it also has economic problems. Going to live abroad, that is, to work, is how romanized it is, and reality gives us what a slap ...

I was going to say it's a nice movie, but it's very painful. The heart has shrunk to many of us after acting in Kursaal. The authors, who were in the room, received an unusual applause, especially from the director and actress Joana Santos, who plays the protagonist. Well deserved. The press is being good, and even if I couldn't fly now, there's one of those movies that the working class has to watch.

The man who loved flying dishes (The man who loved flying dishes)

Change the mood.

If you have purchased Kleenex stock, as I told you, you are lucky – once again – I have seen with my eyes a guy drying his tears. And it's not that I can't drink any more rods in the Tangier bar because I couldn't see Johnny Deep the night before. We laughed to see the man who loved flying dishes.

Credits were as good as the synopsis. Since last year, in the Official Section, we had the precedent of the humorous Argentinian film, that of yoga lovers. Without waiting too long, we laughed too much then, and that has also been the case with this film. This is a film by Argentine filmmaker Diego Lerman, premiered in theaters of the Concha de Oro.

The truth is that everything is a little absurd. But how good it was. José is a reporter of an Argentine television channel, a face known for his years before the camera. In response to a proposal, he and his camera colleague will travel to the Argentine village of La Candelaria, a marginalized area where signs of the presence of aliens have reportedly been found. Well, José is going to offer the Argentinians impressive entertainment, because the guy is worth a lot for it.

We haven't said that, but it's a real story, it was in 1986. Moreover, in the film, many of the statements of the protagonist are real (! ), because the great actor Leonardo Sbaraglia says the same phrases as the true Joseph.

The Argentine humor offered by director Lerman is entertaining and rich. A good opportunity to have fun, easy to see and well worked. However, to make the panoramic plan, they use a technique of fish eyes and we have been made a little mareable on the ultra-fast display of Kursaal.

The Golden Shell? He'll stay away. But this kind of movie triumphs later than at the lockers, on the couch of the house. Netflix production is well planned. It will be visible on 18 October.