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32 agents support Ernai and call on the Basque Government to end the "persecution strategy"

  • ERNAI has denounced the fines imposed by the Department of Security in April this year on 133 members of the organization. He has warned that the fines will "choke and politically unleash the organisation" and has asked the Department of Security, "the principal responsible" for this, to address the debate. A total of 32 social, trade union and political parties in Euskal Herria have joined the demonstration this Saturday.

14 November 2024 - 11:43
Last updated: 15:11
Manifestua irakurri dute asteazkenean Gasteizko Andre Maria Zuriaren enparantzan Ernai

ERNAI and other social partners have asked the Basque Government to put an end to the "persecution strategy" being carried out "against social movements in the Basque Country", at a hearing in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca. ERNAI member Amaiur Egurrola has been in charge of reading the manifesto.

The Moorish Act fined 133 young people on the occasion of demonstrations against the imprisonment of the young Galder Barbado and Aitor Zelaia in Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz. Prices range from EUR 1,500 to EUR 2,500, resulting in a total economic cost for ERNAI of EUR 290,500. Egurrola has stated that this puts the organization “in a very serious situation”, as it responds to the objective of “politically refuting Ernai suffocating it economically”. Last April, the members of the Constitutional Court filed two appeals and the cases will be considered separately. The first trials will be held at the National Hearing on 28 November.

ERNAI has held the Basque Government's Department of Security responsible. “In fact, for a long time the Department of Security has put in place a similar scheme to combat the protests of social movements; criminalize social movements and their demands, pursue social protests and as a last resort sanction or stop the militants of social movements.” They have asked the Department of Security to respect the freedom of expression of citizens.

32 agents

It was 32 social, trade union and Basque political parties that signed the ERNAI manifesto: AHT Gelditu! Nafarroa, Alternatiba, Aroztegi Solidarity Committee, Bilboko Konpartsak, Bilgune Ekosozial, Bilgune Feminist, Contrapunto Decolonial, EH Bildu, EHGAM, EHGAM Sindikatua, ESK, Eusko Alkartasuna, Martkologian

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