Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"We will go to the City of Irun to talk about his attitude towards the Basques, not an act in Spanish"

  • The City Council of Irun has apologised and called on the Basque associations of the city for this Wednesday, but the matter has taken a different direction and will not be closed immediately. Many of the associations that have denounced the City Hall for not talking about Euskera at the Christmas event have asked the City Hall to withdraw the meeting, because what happened is nothing more than a reflection of a situation "dilated for years" and they want to address the issue calmly and deeply.
"Udalaren barkamen eskaerak benetako balioa izan dezan, aldaketa sakonak behar ditugu Irunen". Irungo Udala

11 December 2024 - 07:00

After denouncing the monolingual Christmas act denounced by 35 associations, on Monday he sent them a message calling a meeting on Wednesday, but many associations have called for the tempos to be delayed: “We have a long way to go, and that’s why, even if we see the need to correct the protracted situation for years, we don’t want to do it in a hurry, but well.” It takes time to prepare the speeches and ensure that everyone can attend the meeting, a member of the Association of Fathers and Mothers of the Txingudi College, who has been called to the meeting, has told ARGIA: “We are not going to resurrect to talk about the event, that is what has sparked the indignation, but it is the reflection of a more general situation, and about that we want to talk about, the attitude of this city council with the Basques.”

In the words of this father, “the small spark has been enough to ignite this type of flame: it has been an indicator of the indignation that many of us have within. The City Hall must be aware that in Irun there is a strong community that bets on the Basque, angry with the dynamics of the City Hall, and must be aware that it has to take into account, that it cannot fail to look at the Basque and the Basque”.

"The City Hall must be aware that in Irun there is a strong community that bets on the Basque, angry with the dynamics of the City Hall, and must be aware that it must be taken into account"

The City Hall has also issued a statement asking for forgiveness "for the scarce presence of the Basque Country in the act of enlightenment" and "undertakes to continue working so that it does not happen again". The interviewed father has wondered how much likelihood the note has. “In this act the City Council has acted in the usual way with regard to the Basque Country, but now that we have raised our voice, it has made the declaration and that is the easiest thing. For those words to have real value, we need profound changes in Irun.”

The Basque Association of Irun has linked waves

Irun is a great city, and this spark “has allowed associations and groups concerned with the revitalization of the Basque country to begin to walk together”. All this should be used to activate, enclose and join forces, he says.

As far as the City Hall is concerned, what effect should this movement that has recovered have? “We must first achieve a change of attitude and then we can talk about measures and commitments,” said the father and mother.

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