The Irun Reception Network (IHS) is celebrating its seventh year of operation, so they have been ready to take stock of 2024. Oihana Premio, an IHS member, has pointed out that one of its main objectives since the group was set up is the disappearance of IHS, an objective that is still far from being achieved. “It is clear that migration continues to pass through our region and that these people who pass through Irun do not have the resources to meet their basic needs.” In particular, Premio has given less information on how to continue moving along the migratory path or sufficient resources to rest in time. “In total, in 2024 we treated about 6,000 people, which means there is a need for IHS assistance.”
The issues of last year’s edition have already been given. Over the table of the Plaza de San Juan 3,627 migrants who have arrived in Irun from West African countries and 1,995 people since the reception of Gautxori. In 2023 they passed through Plaza 2,738. On the contrary, the number of migrants arriving at Irun at night has increased considerably, with the number of people receiving the Gautxori in 2023 increasing by four, to 563. Finally, the rapper has been used by 616 people, compared to 544 in 2023.
The reason for this is that in the evening more people arrive at Irun and that in the morning not so many people pass through the square with the removal of the cabins from police controls from the bridges between Irun and Hendaia. “Great pressure has disappeared from police bridges, which has caused people who are migrating to advance on their own.” In this regard, Mr. Premio has explained that the need for those who contact the IHS is changing and now, upon reaching Irun, “the paralysis to think the way” is becoming a reality. “We have always pointed out that the border is a space of pressure, a space of stress, and in the end what people want in the face of such stress is to leave it behind as soon as possible.”
Premio has reaffirmed the claim “Euskal Herria is a host people” and has shown his “concern” over the racist aggressions that have occurred in Euskal Herria in the last month, such as those that have occurred in Arrigorriaga (Bizkaia) or Baiona (Lapurdi). “We are a welcoming people because we have been a welcoming people. Our roots are not in Euskal Herria, and we are concerned about these attacks. Hate messages are spreading today without impunity.” He also regretted that other European countries are also repeating the measures taken by France on the border between Irun and Hendaia, such as in Germany.
On the 28th, at 11:30 a.m., a demonstration will be held from Ficoba to Hendaia to reclaim the host people. In fact, seven activists from Ipar Euskal Herria have joined the initiative 23. Along with Korrika 36 migrants have been summoned to testify at the Baiona court for helping to cross the bridge of Santiago. Under the slogan J’acusse, they have launched a campaign of self-accusations in solidarity with the seven defendants and in protest against migration policies. “In the past two or three years there have been attempts to criminalize solidarity explicitly,” said the IHS member. That's why number 23. The action of the Korrika aims to take advantage "in one way or another" to increase repression and make repression more visible. “Like us, it is the citizens of the Bidasoa who are going to judge and we want to show our full support to our colleagues. We are calm, but we look with caution at any attempt at criminalization.”
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We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
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