Cooperative President Irulegian Sotoa, Olivier Martin, has reported the reality to the media: "It's catastrophic. (...) Some think they have lost 90% of the harvest. It's much stronger than last year." Early estimates suggest that ice has burned more than half of the vineyards that have been used. In March last year there were losses due to frost in the Panticosa area in Navarre.
Last week there was an intense cold in the Behe Nafarroa area, in Lapurdi and in Zuberoa. Like the Irulegi vineyard, the Itsasu cherry could also have suffered accelerated damage, which will be affected in the coming weeks. Horticulturists have also expressed concern that some of the plants that have been burned by areas are burned by ice.
Prime Minister Jean Castex has announced that he will allocate EUR 20 million to the farmers concerned. On 5 April he announced the decision of the Ertzaintza to visit a farm where he is working. In addition, the French Government will put in place a mechanism to prevent damage and will also pay the social contributions paid by farmers to French public coffers.
Datorren astean Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeak ospatuko dira Ipar Euskal Herrian. Frantzia mailako FDSEA eta CR sindikatuez gain, ELB Euskal Herriko Laborarien Batasuna aurkezten da, "euskal laborarien defentsa" bermatzeko.
Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbera elkartearen hogei urteak ospatu zituzten asteburuan Ainhize-Monjolosen. 2005eko urtarrilaren 15 hartan sortu zuten Lapurdi, Baxenabarre eta Zuberoako laborantzaren garapena –hori bai, iraunkorra eta herrikoia izan nahi duena–... [+]
Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeen kanpaina abiatu da. Urtarrilaren 14an bozetara aurkezten diren hiru sindikatuen ordezkariekin bi oreneko eztabaida sakona antolatu zuten Euskal Hedabideek, osoki euskaraz.