Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Agricultural College of Hazparne will teach three subjects in Basque from the next course

  • The students of the private school Armand David de Hazparne will have the opportunity to study in Basque the subjects of Agro-equipment, Social and Economic Sciences and Business Economics. The director of the centre, Bertrand Gaufryau, explained that this training will take place almost half of the training.

Hazparneko (Lapurdi) lizeoko ikasleek euskaraz ikasteko aukera izango dute datorren ikasturtean. Armand David lizeoa

08 January 2025 - 12:35

Given the impossibility of authorizing the teaching in regional languages according to the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture, three years ago the fight for the teaching of subjects in Basque was launched, as reported URL0.

Although there was initially no significant progress, the director explained that the proposed amendment of the law presented in the last year by Socialist Member Iñaki Echaniz "unblocked" the situation. In this sense, he stressed that the achievement of authorization to teach in Basque from the 2025-2026 academic year has been decisive.

First, it is intended that the subjects in Basque are taught in the classes of the second and, in the following courses, the first and the terminal are incorporated. In addition, in the long term, it is intended to extend Basque education to all departments, including those of General Secondary and Landscape Management. Director Gaufryau pointed out that another objective is to help young people to integrate into their territory, in the Basque Country, both socially and professionally.

The next open doors will be on February 8, from 09:00 to 13:00 hours. At that time they will know the number of students interested in the subjects of Basque. In any case, the director has made it clear that whatever happens, the Basque courses will be launched.

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