In a press conference offered at his Florida home, Donald Trump, on January 20 he will become President of the United States. The United States, the total control over the Panama Canal, the conversion of Canada into the 51 State of the United States. Economic and geopolitical strategies remain at the liver of these objectives: Strengthen itself in the economic war against China – with the control of the Panama Canal – and gain strength in the natural resources market – by making Canada and Greenland its own and hence the ownership of the resources of those lands.
Trump has made it clear that the situation in the Middle East will worsen if the Israeli kidnappings are not released on January 20: "It will not be for the sake of Hamas, nor for the sake of anyone. Hell will open. That's right, I can't give you more details." Also in December he threatened "hell" in the Middle East.
Inaugurated in 1914 the Panama Canal, the United States was made with all rights over the canal that links the Pacific with the Atlantic. However, following the 1977 agreement, Panama regained control of the operation in 1999. Trump aims to regain control of the country in the face of China’s interference in the Asian country. "They are not fair to us, they make us pay more to our boats than to others. (...) They make fun of us because they think we're stupid. But we're no longer stupid. To do so, it does not rule out the possibility of using military means to prevent attacks in Iraq. The President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino, has made it clear that "the sovereignty of the canal is not negotiable".
It has the same objective with Canada and Greenland: it wants to colonise them. Greenland, an island between Canada and Iceland, has autonomy and continues to depend on Denmark. He already made it public at a press conference in 2019, when he was president, with the intention of benefiting from the "strategic interests of the United States". The following was also reported on network X on 22 December: "In order to meet the world's security and freedom needs, the United States believes that it is absolutely necessary to have full control over Greenland." The Danish Government has warned that if Denmark does not accept this, it will damage them through "very high level" taxes. In this case, it has also not ruled out the possibility of a military attack.
Trump clarifies his geopolitical goal as soon as Canadian President Justin Trudeau resigned: Canada should be the State 51 of the United States. Relations with Canada lead to excessive costs: "If Canada were to merge into the United States, we would not have customs spending, taxes would be reduced quickly and Canada would have security against Russian and Chinese boats that are permanently surrounded," he added. It has received strong criticism from the Canadian authorities: "Trump's statements make it clear to us that he doesn't know what kind of smart people Canada is," he added. We're not going to ruin the face of threats."
On January 20, Trump wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico, declaring it "Gulf of America." During his stay in Mexico he has disseminated harsh statements against migration throughout the country.
Zutabe hau idazten nengoela, gaia aldatu behar izan dut, nire arreta osoa harrapatu dutelako Trumpen muga-zergek. Azalpen gutxi beharko duzue, leku guztietan da berria, Txinako produktuei %10eko zerga eta Kanadako eta Mexikoko produktuei %25eko muga-zergak jarri dizkie. Trumpek... [+]