In particular, the Public Prosecutor ' s Office called for three years and eleven months ' imprisonment, while the private prosecution called for four years ' imprisonment for wrongful murder. In addition, the man must compensate the woman with EUR 6,000 in cash, he will have to spend four years in freedom under control and he will not be able to approach her or communicate with her for five and a half years.
The convicted man attempted to rape the 18-year-old woman, on May 8, 2022, according to information collected by the news agency Efe from the indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office. It was three and a half in the morning and the woman was entering the portal of her house when the man entered behind her without her permission. Thus, the aggressor pushed the woman to the elevator, where she raped her and sexually assaulted her in the place.
Upon arriving at the apartment where the house was, the woman started screaming for help and some of her family members left the house for help. The woman was taken out of the elevator, but the man managed to escape the stairs and escaped. Shortly thereafter, the Ertzaintza identified him and proceeded to his arrest, which occurred in the surrounding streets.
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