The Prosecutor's Office is calling for fourteen years in jail for former basketball coach Mario López, charged with a crime of murder. The particular accusation, for its part, calls for a sentence of eighteen years in prison. The Feminist Network of Gernika-Lumo has called a revulsion rally before the Bilbao court on Saturday. López is accused of continuously sexually assaulting a minor between 1998 and 2001.
The trial will begin on Tuesday, 14 January, at the Provincial Court of Bizkaia in Bilbao (Barroeta Aldama Street), and will last for three days. It will be held behind closed doors, by decision of the Audience of Bizkaia, in order to preserve the victim's "privacy".
Busturialdeko Hitza has collected the words of the Feminist Network of Gernika-Lumo. The network has called on the public to participate in the concentration to be held before the Bilbao court. They will meet at 9:00 on the White House portal. The network has made the following statements: “Let us express our support for the victim, let us somehow taste the process he is going to undergo. We call on the public to approach the Bilbao court next Tuesday morning to give the necessary support to the victim and to continue to care for and involve us.”
The man suffered sexual abuse for three years
The woman filed a complaint against the former coach in December 2023 for precision touches. Sexual assaults began in 1998, when the victim was 13 years old, and lasted until 2001. The woman explained that the attacks occurred more than 50 times, first in the school that ruled López and, later, for three years in the basketball club. According to the complainant, she lived in a "permanent fear" of Lopez, who exercised control and violence over her, even before the rest of the players, during the training. According to the accusation, the relationship was "marked by the pride and the excess of trust" of the coach, who has labeled "aggravating his special vulnerability".
The complainant left the club in 2003, but did not report the facts until 2023, when Mario López was still a coach of Gernika Bizkaia. It was discontinued shortly after the complaint was made public.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.