Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The LAB trade union has denounced the appointment of URL0 director to "a person who does not know Euskera"

  • "A person who is not Euskaldun – Nagore de los Rios – has been elected by the EITB General Directorate and as the director of the Social Media section and, consequently, a person who does not know Euskera has been designated as the director of a media that has among its objectives the promotion of the Basque Country," notes the LAB note of EITB Media. "Is it logical that the person who is going to run the digital area of EITB, once designed in Euskera (Makusi, Gaztea, Primeran…), does not know Euskera? ", the union asked.

27 December 2024 - 09:47

"We are facing a serious attack on the Basque Country," LAB said. "Not only have the linguistic rights of workers across EiTB been violated, but the entire Basque society. The Basque and the Basque speakers have been undervalued, and the workers of this public media have a responsibility to work to stop these attacks. Otherwise, we would be accomplices. On the basis of the selection procedure, infringements have taken place one after the other and we call for an immediate correction."

As regards the selection process, the union considers that the conditions imposed by the EITB itself have not been respected. "Knowledge of English and Basque, demonstrations of skills for comprehension and oral and written expression" said the call for employment. Moreover, he added that 'extraordinary skills in oral and written communication were also to be taken into account', he added.


Patxi López at the head of the lehendakari campaign

Nagore de los Ríos is a journalist and expert at Big Data. He has worked at the City Council of Bilbao and the Government of La Rioja, as well as for the World Bank, and created "Irekia" of the Basque Government, "the first Hispanic platform of the Open Government model", as you can read in his Linkedin account.

He has also worked in the COPE and SER chains, and as the Communication Director of the PSE. It was precisely he who led the campaign that led Patxi López to assume the role of lehendakari, as can be read in

Under the direction of Nagore de los Ríos, the process of creating new EITB websites will be completed. It will be your responsibility, in addition to directing, to launch and disseminate a new digital portal that is about to be born, as explained by LAB. It will also be responsible for the EITB strategy for social networks, designing audience catchment lines to both the web and EITB platforms (Primeran, Makusi, Guau, Nahieran…) and coordinating the websites and social networks of EITB entertainment programs.

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