The EuskarAbentura 2025 expedition, which will walk the seven territories of the Basque Country during the month of July, has opened the registration period. This initiative, which aims to promote coexistence in Euskera, invites young people to explore landscapes, history and culture. The deadline for nominations is 5 March.
127 jzioquitarras from 15 to 17 years old, born between 2008 and 2009 in Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra, and between 2008 and 2010 from Iparralde and the diaspora, will participate. The dominance of the Basque Country, as well as its origin in the seven territories or communities of the Basque diaspora, is an indispensable condition.
This year, applications will be made in two ways: Competition ZI-ZA and ordinary call. The ZI-ZA competition, organized in collaboration with Gaztea Irratia, is based on the production of a video that will be published on the website of the broadcaster. The video with the most votes will be the winner. In addition, in the ordinary call, candidates must submit a personalised project and a presentation video by 5 March.
Projects should address one of the three proposed themes: fears, society or climate change. This work can be carried out in various formats, from the historical to the literary, through audiovisual, musical, plastic or digital. Originality and creativity will be key factors in valuation.
The selection process consists of several phases. The provisional list of selected candidates shall be published on 22 April and applicants may complete the required documentation until 16 May. Finally, the top 125 projects will receive a full scholarship place to participate in the expedition. In addition to the quality of the project, gender, origin and socio-linguistic reality will be taken into account to ensure the diversity of the group.
With this initiative, EuskarAbentura continues to bet on young Euskaldunes, promoting values such as coexistence and collective learning in a unique environment.
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