Senator Geroa Bai, Uxue Barkos, has asked this question and Transport Minister Óscar Puente has given the following information: The connection of the Basque Y with the Northern Basque Country is many years ahead, despite the willingness of the Spanish Government to “speed up the work”, as the French Government does not give it that much priority.
Over EUR 300 million has been spent on tenders on the Atlantic axis works, Puente has highlighted, in order to demonstrate the interest of the Government of Spain.
Third alternative
Bridge has also been asked about what has recently appeared on the Y Vasca route in the south, that the Spanish Government is considering a third alternative to connect Navarre with the Y Vasca. The Transport Minister has only confirmed that these are three alternatives that will make the final decision on the basis of "technical parameters".
In recent weeks we have been reading "proposals" for the recovery of the railway line Castec-Soria and the maintenance of the Tudela train station in its current location, or for the construction of a new high-speed station outside the urban area with the excuse of the supposed... [+]
We have been with the "summer snake" over the TAV for a few weeks and with the possibility of linking the "Basque Y" from Pamplona, from Ezkio or Vitoria.
It is disappointing to see that our People continue to depend on decisions concerned and not supported by the galgos and... [+]
In the spring of last year, in Sakana, in Izan and Goierri, flooding was introduced in the municipalities of these areas for the conduct of geological surveys for the works of the TAV. In the canyoning 15 surveys have been requested in the municipalities, from Erro to Olazti /... [+]