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Music to embrace

Añube taldeko kideak, azaroaren 9an Bilboko Kafe Antzokian. Mikel Ulli

22 November 2024 - 07:42
Last updated: 08:42

We have known Aitor Bedia Hans, a singer of the Añube group for a long time. At that time we were reconciled with BEÑAT González, former guitarist of the Añube group. It was at the university time, when the two young people of Debagoiena came to Bilbao to study with music in the veins. The guitar of BEÑAT and Hansen’s broken voice have often accompanied us. In gaztetxe, in the plaza or at home, in the taverns of the old town and in the hidden corners of the university. Ten years later, our friends are professional musicians.

The Añube group was formed in 2020, consisting of members from Bergara, Arrasate and Ataun: Aitor Bedia Hans (voice), Julen Garmendia (saxophone), BEÑAT Lizarralde (bass), Egoitz Goikoetxea (drums), Jon Uribesalgo (guitar) and Beñat Abasolo (guitar). Since its inception, they have published two albums: In 2022 Añube and in 2024 he saw the light of Lur Iriondo's second work. From the beginning they have had a warm welcome, and they have played multitudinous concerts at different points in the Basque geography. Today we visited Añube in Bilbao. With all the tickets sold, the sextet has appeared on the stage of the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao packed with people and people.

Integrated among the passionate fanes of the front lines, we flipped the three friends that we have visited old friends. The 600 voices that have filled the Antzokia Theatre in the Biscay capital are happy, excited and filled with joy. “Oysters, this is very strong,” we say. Hansa has followers everywhere, one after the other, and in each of the songs Brown appears. The warmth and protection of friends are also evident. His friends have approached him in many songs almost to the stage, and in many others he has approached his friends and colleagues in the front lines and on the edge of the stage.

There, the former BEÑAT member looks at Hans from a dark, contented but in the shadow. In the middle of the concert we have also approached the corner of BEÑAT, near Hans and the other colleagues, and with the shadow of BEÑAT. It's been the nicest part of the concert. Between red brick walls, a powerful message from the song Kanpazar 1975 or Desegin, sung together with Leire Arbeo de Nemar.

I don't have enough knowledge to talk about musical styles, and I describe them with the feelings that concerts make me. Añuberena can be classified in the category of "music to embrace one another". The last song has rounded, of course, the magic night. Hit de Añube: The Baboon Show version of Radio Rebelde. Words of Hansen: “You’re not alone, I’m with you…” “Welcome home when you’re wrong…” And something like that is the music of the Añube, which always comes back, as an encounter between two old friends who embrace each other.

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