Several women have denounced two teachers from the ikastola Urretxindorra (Bilbao) and the ikastola Azkue (Lekeitio) through social networks. In view of this situation, Ikastolen Elkartea has decided not to teach the teachers of the ikastola Urretxindorra from this Monday. On the other hand, they explained that Lekeitio's professor, on the other hand, is retired.
Several students and alumni of the ikastola Urretxindorra have denounced anonymously through the profile of Euskal Herria Instagram. The first charges against this man were published in early December. After them, several people have spread the complaints against the same teacher.
The whistle-blowers have assured that for years she made sexual comments to girls between the ages of 10 and 17 and that she sexually transmitted them. In the statements, they criticized that what happened was known and that "he did it without hiding", according to the same sources.
An old student has denounced on the same Instagram profile the aggressions suffered in the ikastola Azkue. The professor, in addition to maintaining an authoritarian attitude, explained that he made comments such as "mira x no using bras" and put his hand on the back of the girls. After many years in silence, he stressed that he wanted to take the step of denouncing the situation.
The Federation of Ikastolas has ensured that it "gives all the legitimacy" to these complaints and that "ensuring the safety and well-being" of students is "a priority". On the other hand, he explained that the ikastolas that compose it have an obligation to adopt "rigorous and concrete" measures, regardless of whether or not they have the complaint in court.
“Firmness and commitment to aggression and harassment of women,” explained Nekane Artola, President of the Ikastolas Federation. In an interview with Euskadi Irratia, the professor stressed that he would not teach in any case. Although he will not teach, he will continue to attend the ikastola and will be dedicated to other work. On the denunciation of the ikastola de Lekeitio, he has only stated that the professor is retired.
Following the protocol of action in the face of “aggression, harassment or violence” against women, they report that they will provide victims, if they so wish, with resources both for emotional well-being and to help in the necessary procedures.
In addition, they have encouraged all persons who have suffered some form of harassment or aggression in the ikastolas, or who have witnessed inappropriate behaviour, to immediately contact the governing bodies or the Federation of Ikastolas. They ask to be notified of any “harassment, violence or discrimination” situation to the email address.
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