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They denounce the "serious over-supply" of schools in Bermeo

  • In the first cycle of Early Childhood Education, families can attend three centers: one public and two other concerted. The families of the public school have denounced that despite the fact that the law mandates the opposite, the offer of places is not balanced and that the concerted offer more places than they are entitled to, and have pointed out to the Department of Education.
San Frantzisko ikastetxea

15 January 2025 - 10:06

Both the recent approval of the Education Act and various decrees and orders of the CAPV indicate that the oversupply of school places will be avoided and that the offer must be adapted to the real needs of schooling. However, the families of the San Francisco public school have denounced that the situation in Bermeo is not the same and have requested an urgent meeting with the Department of Education of the Basque Government.

The offer of concerted places in Bermeo, among which Gernika and Amorebieta-Etxano stand out, is "especially serious" and "segregating", which, together with the fall in the birth we live, will bring with it the eviction, closure or fusion of the small public schools in the area.

98 children in three centres

The families of San Francisco have brought to the data the picture that has been given. Last year, of the 89 2-year-old boys and girls, 23 were awarded to the public school (36 to the families that have emphasized that it has capacity for 54 places), 28 to the ikastola Eleizalde (50 places offered) and 38 to the Christian Sacred Heart School (another 50 offered).

98 2-year-old boys and girls will participate in the registration campaign starting in February for the next course. At the San Francisco Public School, the AMPA has the capacity to cover 54 places and 3 classrooms in the classroom for 2 years, but the Basque Government has a enrollment forecast for 36 children. In spite of everything, if these 54 places are covered in public, the two concerted should welcome another 44 children, “a total of 3 classrooms, and not the 5 they have arranged this year.” In the words of the Publikoa Parents Association, “between the two centers have 100 places for the entire second cycle of Early Childhood Education, 227% of the total necessary”.

According to reports from San Francisco, the concerted schools that have a 2 year class in 3 and 4 years allow them to host 92 children, while in primary schools they can also host 100 children: It is a "total need for schooling of the city", "unfair, ineffective and illegal".

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