According to the project progress signed by the consultant Saitec and the company Finerge, six windmills and three mills would be housed in the Beizama land in Bidania-Goiatz. Some of the houses will be very close, as according to the company report "it is a distance of 300 meters to the isolated houses" (it should be noted that the height of each mill is 229.5 meters). One of them will also be located near the road, about 344 meters high. The shortest distance between the mills shall be 652 metres.
Finerge proposes to use the GI-370 road for the construction of the wind power plant, which runs between the Nuarbe district of Azpeitia and the Santutxo district of Albiztur, through Beizama. The company does not mention that this road should be extended, but the question is whether this road is large enough and capable to pass a machinery to the measure of a construction site of this kind.
In addition, the company plans to build six roads including the nine mills in the area. The total of the 8,189 kilometres that would be covered by asphalt with these roads, as can be seen from the progress report submitted by the company.
Each windmill is wanted to build an asphalt platform of 200 meters, to put the construction cranes and the rest.
The supply of electricity will be carried out through three underground circuits at the Redeia substation in Azpeitia. According to the company, the electric line evacuation line affects the municipalities of Errezil, Azpeitia and Zestoa.
"(The purpose of the Oion Plenary) is clear, to legitimize by law the energy megaprojects with significant irregularities in the processing"
Last Wednesday we had a hard and unpleasant day, not only for Labraza, but also for all the towns where we are threatened by a wind,... [+]