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Classroom of diversity or "having fun"

  • Two years ago, I didn't know the plurality room, nor did I know there was. Simplifying, it is a classroom aimed at ESO students with special situations.

27 June 2019 - 11:06
Eibarko DBH zentroko tailer batean lanean (irudiaren jatorria: Eibarko Udala)

I'm not an education professional, but a parent. I haven't found any more information on the network and perhaps I can say some wrong point, so I'll be grateful for the corrections in the comments.

Diversity Classroom or "Divertsi" (Diversity Hitzetik) is a special room offered in several Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) centers. The objective of this special classroom is to make a more direct follow-up to students with difficulties in obtaining the ESO title.

These difficulties may have a very different origin: students who have been sick for a long time, who have come from other countries, who have some difficulty in learning... there may be things at the origin. Hence the name: Diversity Room. However, a selection is also made to enter this line and one of the main factors is motivation to work.

In this class the classes are taught mainly by two professors, one with letters (Basque, Spanish, society...) and the other with sciences (mate, physics/chemistry, bio/geo...). Other subjects (English, gymnastics, etc.) Every one of them has his teacher, who is the one who gives on the ordinary line.

Diversity is a two-year cycle and can't be repeated, and there's usually a global note in each block.

The number of students in the diversity classroom is lower (12-15) and teachers can do a more personalized job. The tests have less weight and more presentations in the classroom, teamwork and daily activity, as the teacher follows the daily effort of the students very well.

Although I am not entirely clear about this, in principle the students' grades are weighted and cannot be higher than one point, with the appearance that they cannot be given an advantage with the students of the ordinary line. Even if it seems like an oasis, at this point the students' efforts are not so valued, and we are presented with a dictatorship with inescapable results.

But it's worth it. We wanted a diverse school that focuses on the effort and not so much on the results, with a limited number of students, that takes into account the peculiarities of each student, that enhances the relationships between students and teamwork... and all of that is in the diversity classroom. Add side effects:

  • Students are not ashamed of their level, speak freely and without fear of making mistakes in class.
  • Everyone has the difficulties on the one hand and they are willing to help each other and nobody laughs or mocks him.
  • It externalizes the abilities of each student, which helps a lot in their self-esteem. Students who until then had an insufficient concept of themselves realize that they are able to help others.

There is a little envy or zeal in some cases from other students and parents, because for these students things can be easier. I would say the opposite, because I have seen the work they have done and the effort they have made.

After all, did we not want to value the effort rather than know it? What do we intend to do with struggling students, to get into the platoon or to put it aside? Isn't this methodology what we would all like in public school? Can we drive this model together instead of macro-centers and massive classrooms?

Finally, our sincere thanks to Virginia, Irene and Gorka, from the Eibar BHI center, for putting their humanity above the rigidity of the system. Thank you very much for your work.


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