The facts began in 1998, when the victim was 13 years old and the victim was in prison. Although he left the club in 2003, he denounced the facts last year, as Mario López continued to be a coach of the club. The indictment asks for him 18 years in jail, four years longer than the Prosecutor's Office
The particular indictment has called for an eighteen years and nine months ' imprisonment for Mario López, former coach and sports director of the Gernika basketball team, for continued sexual assault. The indictment’s request is four years longer than the Prosecutor’s Office’s request, which called for penalties. In addition, it has requested compensation of EUR 150,000 for the moral and social damage caused within the EU.
The reported sexual assaults were published a year ago, which began in 1998, when the victim was 13 years old. The woman reported that the attacks occurred on more than 50 occasions, first at the school where Lopez was a coach and then at the basketball club for three years. According to the complainant, López, who lived in a "permanent fear" of López, dedicated himself to exercising control and violence against himself, as well as against the rest of the players in the training. According to the accusation, the relationship was "marked by the pride and the excess of trust" of the coach, who has labeled "aggravating his special vulnerability".
The complainant left the club in 2003, but did not report the facts until last year, when Mario López was still a coach of Gernika Bizkaia. It was discontinued shortly after the complaint was made public. The trial will be held between 14 and 16 January.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.