These were my last words when we left, held hand in your deep breathing sleep. Your heart stayed forever without a special, simple, dignified pain. As you want and demand. How we want and respect.
Already a month before the arrival of winter, the last days of the longest night, before mother earth began to rise slowly, she received you sweetly in the lap, in eternity. You've gone too fast, not enjoying enough freshman retiree, family, friends, neighbors, batukada, etc.
But you looked at death face-to-face from the beginning, accepting what was coming, squeezing the time to say goodbye to him above the taboo, to the last exemplary, generous minute to the last second, making the road very easy for others. We couldn't ask you any more, we can't be more proud of you, Mom.
I was afraid of intense pain and dependence. Surely they came from your hand to get so involved in the care of family and friends. Elene, Amama, Martita, Karmen, Marisol… they are accompanied by kisses and stored memories. Those losses partly clarified our path.
It's been four or five months since the news fell on us as a huge stone. But what value and resilience you've had in the face of the disease, mixed with some irony, some genius and some obstinacy, of course. Long live the champion!
What I initially thought to be surreal has been done in a hyper-realistic way. How nice it has been to do with you the last road with tranquility and softness: without complexes, drywall, poster, card, evening, music, photos… organizing the final in collaboration. The truth is, I don't see a nicer way to say goodbye now.
How nice it has been to do with you the last road with tranquility and softness: without complexes, drywall, poster, card, evening, music, photos… organizing the final in collaboration. The truth is, I don't see a nicer way to say goodbye now.
And what are we going to say to Osakidetza, Mom? Many thanks above all to all the professionals who have been accomplices on the road to a dignified death, we know that the topic of euthanasia is not easy, perhaps too new, but there you have been, hand in hand, reassuring among all the pain.
However, there are also those who have failed you. I know, this is not your style, always humble, silent, because you've been great in smallness. But I have to say yes, I mean you, because there are obstacles in prevention, in primary care, in oncology or in psychology, lack of investment and training, people with empathy or lack of professionalism, managers, programs, broken system.
Unfortunately, Mother, you have not been the first or the last. Rabies has become complicated in these difficult days.
I am ashamed of how many of the services that the cancer partnership offers in exchange for kiss cover the shortcomings of our health system, the tragedies. How have we come to this situation? Although we are very grateful, it is not legitimate for people and private entities to finance our needs. And that too needs to be said out loud.
On the other hand, what can we say to the issuers of the hundreds of messages, kisses and hugs that we have received in recent weeks? How tremendous was the gesture of love I had received! Excited, soaked with your warmth, every offer of help has come up with a single answer: please continue to build, care for, the feminist and rebellious Basque Country.
And, by the way, before it's too late, let's keep talking about death with birth, because there's nothing more natural. Unwrap, write, draw, dance, paw, caress and enjoy with others as Edurne would like.
Greetings, witches, accompanying sun flowers and thin protectors beneath the moon. Mafalda won't forget you either!
Urtzi Ugalde, son of activist Edurne Ugalde Zubiri
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