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Students from 33 schools attend the Ikusi Mikusi Youth Literature Fair

  • Ikusi Mikusi is the only Basque children and youth literature fair to be held in Sara, with 1,396 students, families and professionals from the sector from 33 schools throughout the Basque Country. "We sow great seeds in these children and young people."
Ekitaldi guztiak haurrentzat gogoetatuta eta diseinatuta daude, bai altzarien aldetik, bai espazioaren antolaketa aldetik, baita programatutako ekitaldi eta jardueren aldetik ere. Argazkiak: Ikusi Mikusi

10 October 2023 - 11:39
Last updated: 2024-01-08 10:12

The fair will be held on 20 and 21 October. That is, the public schools Azpilkueta, Lekaroz or Garralda, the ikastolas of Orio, Baigorri, Basaburu or Ortzaiz, the schools Eztitxu Robles and Kattalin Elizalde… In total there are 33 centers invited on School Day, the first day of the fair. They have had to reject other centres because they cannot cope with all the demand. Each student will be given a 15 euro voucher to buy a book.

“Children and young people have come to the fair with their school, they have a previous job, written or graphic, and their jobs are in a great exhibition – explains Amaia Hennebutt, one of the organizers of the fair. Some will question a writer or illustrator and deal with the subject previously. It is a great pleasure for them, who will spend all day in the world they want: books, albums, shows, workshops... In addition, they receive a nice gift of 15 euros, which gives them great joy and great honor: it seems that we give them a treasure, each one chooses the book he wants and goes home, a book that becomes a great attachment and a treasure”.

"Students receive a 15 euro gift voucher, each chooses the book they want and goes home, a book that becomes a great adhesion and a treasure"

October 20 is also Professional Day and is used to promote the presentation of news and exchange among professionals. After all, Hennebutt has highlighted that there is a great creation in child and youth literature, "and it is becoming a rich field."

The second day is Family Day, with the aim of "having a nice time around Basque books". For two days you can enjoy 60 artistic proposals that include shows, stories, workshops, questionnaires… The aim of the fair is to meet around literature, give opportunities to children and young people to read, listen to legends, play and write with words, and meet live with writers and illustrators.

Euskera "a real and urgent place"

All acts are designed and designed for children, both from the point of view of furniture, the organization of the space and the scheduled events and activities. And, as Hennebutt has added, it's only in Basque: "We don't accept bilingual books. For once, offer the Basque Country a real and urgent place". Very satisfied and optimistic with the results obtained so far and with the reception of the fair, now "the challenge will be to remain in quality criteria".


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