“Write in Basque, with permission, already a contempt for the unity of Spain,” said the prosecutor at the Public Court of the Tribunal of Órden, known as TOP

“Writing in Basque, with permission, already a contempt for the unity of Spain,” said the prosecutor at the Public Court of the Tribunal de Órden, known as TOP. Jon Aizpurua, José Ramón Luzarraga, Guillermo Mariñelarena and Rufino Ahedo were tried for writing, multicopying and disseminating ETA papers. They were sentenced to six months in prison for the opening of an ETA newspaper published in Basque and Spanish. As stated by Koldo Izagirre in the book Tests for the Autopsy, the date is not historical because of the declaration of the defendants in the trial, but rather because for centuries the ideologists of the court were thinking and saying in their mouths without hair what they said. More than content, crime was language.

Various authors, Euskadi and Askatasuna - Euskal Herria y la Libertad, vol. I, (1952-1965, From Ekin to ETA) (Txalaparta)