Biting bruises, shadowy torture in the light
Nekane Txapartegi 2024ko otsailaren 07a

The terrible events in March 1999 in the Aiztondo Valley were not isolated attacks, but were part of the Spanish State’s other repressive step against the Basque Country. Under the doctrine “Everything is ETA” (Everything is ETA), we were arrested and tortured violently in Tres Cantos de Madrid, while Joxelu Geresta (Ttotto) was killed. These facts, together with other objectives, sought to suspend the ongoing Lizarra-Garazi process. The torturers made it clear to me at the police station: “Gu ez! [You will be high, we will not! ].

As for many years, at this time they also wanted to sell the use of torture in response to ETA’s activity. We know, however, that we were tortured to build versions and to confirm them in our mouths, in order to build an official version that legitimizes more repressive measures. which would be at the heart of political judgment 18/98.

Speaking of the raped body, 25 years later I say aloud that my female body became a political field of war.

Torture has been the strategy to stop those who defend and fight for ideas and for them. With total impunity, systematically carried out in police stations of Intxaurrondo and Madrid under the cover of incommunication. This apparatus of State has worked and well concealed the terrifying dimension of torture in Euskal Herria, with the complicity of the political class, the apparatus of justice, doctors and the media. And so he wants to leave the matter, hidden in the dungeon of Spain and forgetting our dead.

In the case of Ttotto, torture was carried to the end, to death. Murder disguised as suicide. Unfortunately, we do not yet know what happened, but we know what did not happen. Although we do not know the direct authors, we know who is responsible. Faced with state terrorism, we, tortured, survivors of the evil of torture, are important witnesses. The living “dead” that can help these testimonies emerge from the shadow. Subjects in which we intend to take the necessary steps to control our lives after being in the hands of torturers. Speaking of the raped body, 25 years later I say aloud that my female body became a political field of war. Against him, bruising, denouncing, counting that I will continue to contribute to the feminist historical memory.

They destroyed us, they built doctrines, they took away Ttotto, they wanted to scare the people. But we stand still and will not stop until we know the truth. Because we owe the truth to Ttotto, to his family, to future generations and to Euskal Herria.