The future of all is at stake in Palestine.
Andrea Bartolo @TxindurriG 2023ko abenduaren 20a

We are seeing the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Israel against Palestine, directly and through television. We are witnessing the killing of thousands of people, the bombing of hospitals and schools and eleven forced displacement, with the justification and complicity of the “International Community”, in the name of the “right to Israel’s defence against terrorism”.

A few years ago it would be unthinkable to name the Palestinian people as a terrorist. A few years ago, no one would question the right of the Palestinian people to rebellion against Zionist colonialism, which is also recognised by the bourgeois of law. In fact, this right is recognized in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and has been promulgated several times by the UN itself.

Because adherence to the Palestinian resistance means supporting the possibility of fighting and emancipation of all the public workers in the world.

How has the paradigm shift materialized? To find an answer, we should turn to the 2000s, the ideological and cultural well that left the imperialist offensive against global terrorism. With the imposition of that anti-terrorist paradigm, imperialism de facto abolished the right to rebellion and resistance. The right to resistance was achieved thanks to the power relations between the classes of the twentieth century, as a concrete and socialist right, opposed to abstract bourgeois rights. It is the right that our class imposes on the bourgeoisie through the fight against fascism and anti-colonial struggles; since the 1960s it has been the basis of national and social liberation struggles and the principle of global internationalist struggle.

Today, however, we are witnessing the disintegration of this right. As Marx said “in the clash of rights, force decides”, and today imperialism has reimposed its right: the right to colonize and expropriate. And what comes up against this is a “terrorist.”

In Palestine, we have seen the most brutal consequences of changing this paradigm: Israel’s supremacist and colonial state is recognised as a “right to defence” and the Palestinian people fighting colonialism and apartheid are declared “terrorist”. And all this transcends the borders of Palestine and becomes a warning to all the public workers of the world: imperialism has rejected the right to resistance by burying itself under the “rules-based world” of the Western collective.

For all these reasons, solidarity with Palestine, without any kind of nuance, is an undisputed obligation of the working class of the world, because accession to the Palestinian resistance means protecting the possibility of the fight and emancipation of all the working peoples of the world.