Hysterical materialism
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2023ko irailaren 20a

Melon doesn't do well. What a surprise. Migrants have not stopped coming. Maybe there were no effective calls, maybe there's always an expulsion effect. It is not that they like our garden (as Borrell said), it is that we only leave them the fire of hell. Images, again images: Lampedusa invaded, with black skin, as in the images stacking looks more stacked if the accumulated are black.

When Europe starts to move it does so at garden rate. Brussels is so distressed that it has made a telephone meeting. France has shown solidarity with Italy and Van der Leyen visits the Italian island.

In the same news they speak of Mahsa Aminas, arrested for misusing the diaper of Iran's head and who did not survive. He is a hero: here he would be a potential terrorist for some, another fictional non-will that replaces our culture for more convicts, who is unintentionally benefiting the neoliberal strategy of the employers. It is said that Europe will award you the Sakharov Prize (perhaps for killing without crossing the border without creating problems in Lampedusa).

Meloni says that he does not regard the gesture of Europe as a gesture of solidarity, but as a gesture of responsibility, for that border is not only from Italy, but also from Europe. And the ultra-right must never be right, but it must be given. From time to time we should remember the limits that strengthen so that we can rest in our garden. Our borders are in Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Turkey... Our borders do not convince anyone. Read, watch, listen occasionally to what we do there and keep walking through the garden as if they were savages.