Hysterical materialism
Free Baroque chopsticks
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2023ko uztailaren 12a

Are you forty-two years old? It does not seem”; “No, you do not, you seem younger”; “quiet, you do not give mother”; “you do not give more than twenty, you do not give forty”... and I do not carry this series of comments well. They get me out of something bad, out of my old days that have cost me so much. They want to free me from ridicule: you can go from juerga dress like this. You don't know, these young people, how funny it can be to eliminate youth: the rcle is more adrenaline than dignity. And I've remembered a painting of my people.

They have renovated an old kiosk in the middle of my village. This cyclical often sees the words, the declarations of the citizens. It has now been painted with a wonderful orange and dedicated to bertsolari hernaniarra Joxepa Zubeldia, whose words are now in columns and walls. Under the new painting is the painting I remember: “Free Baroque chopsticks!”

What is the baroque in this case? The baroque is complicated: from the age we are more complex, more difficult, less than twenty years old. Baroque: it is not a minimalist toothpick. It has curves, scars, the lips dance for themselves, lights and shadows among curly hair... My stick is 42 years old, curved and knowledgeable, and it doesn't want to be any less. “Free Baroque chopsticks”.