To become ideology
Edu Zelaieta Anta 2023ko ekainaren 28a

We learned the news before the end of the course: The Swedish Government is paralysing the school digitisation plan. This is unexpected news, because few expected a state like Sweden to slow down the digitisation of the education system. The decision, moreover, has not been taken in any context in Stockholm: Sweden was to accelerate the school digitisation plan by 2023. Therefore, in order to go faster and digitally they answer “slower and not necessarily so.”

The subject has had a great impact and has raised a number of views. For example, the journal Le Monde has classified the news in the health area (neither education nor technology). Others have seen a powerful gesture of resistance in an unexpected movement: it is possible to face the god of indispensable digitalization, and also his career.

The completion of classrooms with screens has been one of the main objectives of educational systems in recent years. They are increasingly denouncing, in an uncritical manner. More and more people claim to become ideology.