Eneko Gorri Gantier 2023ko ekainaren 21a

Dear readers, I would like to begin with an exclusive article of opinion: Summer comes! Yes, yes, the holiday season, parties and barbecues of friends. Tour de France, Sanfermines, children's colonies... I will start with an exclusive one and continue with a recognition: my initial goal was not to write a light chronicle about the dynamics of the times. I wanted to write something more complex. Daring. More spicy. It was based on the electoral climate and the reflections inspired by the boiling debates. But in the end I have not been wrong.

"My struggle is the only way." In these times when our battlefields are polarized and it is increasingly difficult to mobilize people, the initial draft aimed to question our priorities. Building bridges between sectors? Or win the hegemony of each strategy? Institutional pathway or popular movement? Mountain fires for prisoners and refugees or Artisans of Peace? Homeland of Bagira* or Herribiltza? Unifying manifestation or occupation to live in the people?... But, as I said, I have not managed to get the ideas clear enough, and I have not lied to pose those questions.

Institutional pathway or popular movement? Mountain fires for prisoners and refugees or Artisans of Peace? Unifying manifestation or occupation to live in the people?

I have not lied, because I do not engage in social media and, therefore, I have many debates about our microcosm. And I'm sure somebody has already written it somewhere and at some point much better than me about those doubts that I feel inside. It is not something new and having debates is healthy, it is as healthy as disagreements and conflicts. But lately it gives me the feeling that we're spending a lot of energy to see why we don't agree with our neighbor, when there are so many reasons to go out in the street.

They're going to forgive me if I stick to a bad metaphor, but I think not all the arrollations should always come together in the same basket. I'm fond of rice crutches and we use a lot of eggs to make tortillas in the Basque Country. But the ferrerías also serve to make pintxos, carts and cocktails Pisco Sour. Let's retain them. They are not contradictory, but complementary!

Meanwhile, greet you with a phrase from the late Claude Harlouchet: "The best way to liberate Euskal Herria is to start building." We see ourselves in HD, because in the last quarter of a century the Basque Country is built more just, more Basque, more feminist and more free.