The key is still at home
Malores Etxeberria 2023ko maiatzaren 10a

For many years, a professor at the institute told me that the flow of Euskera had no weight in the students' assessment criteria. A professor who tried to assess the richness and ease with which a rural student spoke in Basque in a fairly erdaldunized area did not have a single box for it. In addition to his own wealth, his influence on the rest of the students seemed to be valuable, as for the others, the student who spoke Basque well and easily was an example and an incentive.

Simplicity. Iñaki Iurrebaso Biteri, a sociologist and professor at the UPV, states in his doctoral thesis that the key to using a language is ease. His extract was published in the Larrun monographic newsletter of the month of March of this newsletter in a substantial interview with Iurrebaso and, among many other data, gave the following: In the Basque Country, 7.4% of the population is more easily found in Basque than in another language. In total, 195,631 speakers. Another 8.4% (222,000 speakers) develop similarly in Basque and another language; and the remaining 84.2% (2,230.038 speakers) develop better in another language than in Basque. It should be noted that it refers to speakers over 16 years of age.

The main thesis of Iurrebaso is that the language is used by those who have ease, have sufficient capacity, and that being very few in Euskal Herria it is not possible that the use is greater than that of today, and shows that the use we have (15%) is far greater than what could be expected and reinforces the theory of Txillardegi from the other end.

The facility is mainly provided by the household, and probably 7% easier to use in Basque is the one that receives the Basque household

In recent years, we've made a lot of progress in capacity, we've won a lot of new speakers, but that doesn't become usage. For its part, Iurrebaso has focused on the weakness of the capacity and underlined the need to improve the capacity to turn it into a use. He says that we need more fluent and richer speakers, and that's where we need to put strength.

It is true, moreover, that the best and only way to improve competition is to use it, because if it is not used it does not enrich the language. But I found it very interesting to focus on the weakness of capacity and to relativize the benefits that are being flown in recent times, so that we can better set priorities in prospective linguistic policies.

The Education Act that is about to be passed states that at the end of the ESO students reach at least level B2. It will be necessary to see what kind of linguistic projects are carried out in schools so that pupils complete compulsory schooling with sufficient fluency. But it seems to me that once again the box of the facility is missing.

In any case, simplicity has been observed mainly at home, and although I do not have specific data, probably the 7% fluid in Euskera is the one received by the Basque household. The “Euskaldunes” houses are nowadays a great diversity of skills and practices, and there is a tendency to work in Euskera with children, but perhaps not to keep the Euskera in a compact way between parents or adults. In these cases, as boys and girls grow, the risk of domestic language becoming an increasingly Castilian speaking language is high, and this is often unnoticed.

The use of Euskera in a private and intimate space such as the house can sometimes be costly, as the competition in Euskera for parents and adult members is not total or the custom of years leads us to Spanish, but I think the effort is worth it.