Why does the government not guarantee the learning of vocational training in Basque?
  • There are many students who attend the entire course of Vocational Training at the CAPV without any subject in Euskera, because the Basque Government does not comply with the law it establishes. Iñaki Mendiluze has explained that the government has established a “blockade” to study in Basque in Vocational Training and Euskaldunizar cycles: “All cycles should also be offered in model D and students should choose which model they want to learn that cycle.”
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko maiatzaren 31
Jorge Arévalo Lanbide Heziketako sailburuordea eta Jokin Bildarratz Hezkuntza sailburua, Lanbide Heziketako VI. Euskal Plana aurkezten (Argazkia:

After the end of the registration period in Vocational Training, the annual theme has been highlighted: these studies have not guaranteed access to the Basque country. The data are very significant: Although model D predominates in ESO (in 2021, for example, 71% of students studied in model D), the amount is transferred to Vocational Training and significantly reduced (in the same year, only 24% of students attended Vocational Training in model D). A graph of this data is shown below, and from the Steilas union it is commented that this trend is currently maintained: In ESO and Baccalaureate, the choice of model D increases and in Vocational Training decreases. The rupture with the previous linguistic trajectory is evident.

On the one hand, Steillas member Iñaki Mendiluze has denounced to ARGIA that many cycles are offered only in model A, “and that means they will only be taught in model A.” Mendiluze states that the administration limits and blocks the learning of Professional Training in Basque. In addition, model A has a particularity in Professional Training: in reality, the centers teach the subject in Basque in model A, but not in Professional Training. They teach English but not Euskera. That is, many students complete the entire cycle without any Basque presence.

In Vocational Training, students of model A and many students of special model B+ do not have any contact with the Basque Country during the whole cycle. The law is broken and "serious"

It occurs similarly to another linguistic model exclusively in Vocational Training: B+. What does model B+ mean? The students enrolled in models A and D are mixed in the same educational cycle and in three or four subjects the students are distributed to learn in Basque and others in Spanish. But in the subjects in which this distribution does not occur, the linguistic model is exclusively Spanish. Consequently, many students of this model B+ have no contact with the Basque Country throughout the cycle.

Mendiluze recalls that this violates the law of the government itself, because Law 4/2018 says: “Both Euskera and Castilian will be inexcusably incorporated into the training programs of all Vocational Training, so that students can develop enough dexterity”. It's not true, and it's "serious," according to his colleague at Steillas. This Law also recognizes the “right to receive vocational training in the two official languages”, with the Administration assuming both the “extension of model D” and the adoption of “necessary measures” so that the transition to vocational training is not interrupted by language options developed in earlier stages”. This is clearly not the case.

Another significant fact in the line of the Administration is that last November the VI Vocational Training was launched. The Basque Plan never quotes the Basque word in the document on page 134.

VI Vocational training. The plan never mentions the Basque word in the document on page 134


Why is the right to study in model D limited to vocational training? The key is supply planning: “In planning we see the lack of will to euskaldunify the FP, with what criteria is such planning organized? All cycles should also be offered in model D, choosing which model they want to learn the cycle. Students who have completed their entire educational trajectory in model D have spontaneously opted for model A at least surprising.”

Another important key that the member of Steillas has told us is that for years teachers have been incorporated without the necessary linguistic profile in Basque in the Professional Training, and still in the competitions of merits for the stabilization of teachers does not require the Basque Country (a few months ago we said that half of the jobs do not have a profile of Basque in the competition for the stabilization of Basque Teachers) ".

For years, professors have been incorporated into Professional Training without the necessary linguistic profile in Basque: "We have professors who are not able to teach in Basque… It is a question, why are we still asking professors who do not have a linguistic profile in Basque?"

In the image, graphs by Steilas. Mendiluze confirms that the trend observed in 2021 is currently maintained: