What is the ultra-right candidate for the presidency and “communicative star” of Argentina, Javier Milei?
  • “Instead of directing lambs, I come to wake lions.” With this motto is presented the ultraderechist economist Javier Milei. The Argentine announcer has become one of the most popular characters in Argentina, sending messages from the far right. Askatasuna Aurrera Doa (La Libertad Advances in Spanish) is a candidate for the October presidential election.
Xuban Zubiria @xubanzubiria 2023ko uztailaren 28a

It promises to end taxes, to ban abortion or to liberalise organ trafficking if it reaches the government. Milei will be the novelty of the presidential elections to be held in October.

Milei declared in Voz + Televisión its intention to liberalize organ trafficking and create a market under the slogan “my first property is my body”. Reality could outnumber fiction if, as some surveys say, October President Milei won.

But who is Javier Milei?

Study economist took his first steps in the conservative journal La Nación as a columnist for economic issues. Mauricio Mac took the leap to the television stands under the chairmanship of his right. For years he has been advocating extreme neoliberal measures to revolutionize the Argentine economy in the radio programs Demolishing Myths (Myths in Erausten) and Freemason (Freemasonry Chair) directed by him.

Weight devaluation and hyperinflation have become suitable scenarios for their economic recipes to echo. The main ingredient of the recipe would be the elimination of most taxes and the central bank. Milei wants to start a process of replacing the Argentine peso in favor of the American dollar to combat hyperinflation through dollarization. In May, Deutsche Welle published a report on the implications of dollarization for anyone who wants to reflect on its possibilities and dangers. If we look at the newspaper library, it is clear that similar recipes have often failed to stabilize the economy and welfare of Argentina.

Beyond the promises, economists Roque Fernández and Carlos Rodríguez, who have joined his candidacy recently published the CNN channel, have pointed out in various media that the disappearance of the central bank is a slogan and that the dollarization of Milei is impossible as he himself mentioned. Among the controversial statements, however, his message continues to move forward. His message is being imposed on some sectors of youth and workers, according to the article published by Eduardo García Granado in El Salton. According to the journalist, in addition to radio broadcasts, it has become one of the main enemies of the government by extending from the social networks the provocative pills of its programs whose main theme is the economy.

It has become an important communicative agent in Argentina and, like most far-right populists, to assume those angry with the situation is one of its main strategies and seems to be being achieved in part.

Photo: Clarín

Milei's political trajectory

Askatasuna Aurrera Doa (La Libertad Advances in Spanish), after presenting its first important steps to the autumn 2021 legislative elections. With 17% of the votes obtained in the demarcation of Buenos Aires, a national deputy came along with his current trusted person, Victoria Villarruel, a party member. Villarruel is responsible for the political breakdown of the figure of Milei. In order to convince the notorious Argentine diaspora in the Spanish State, Villarruel has twice been presenting the party's program in the radio program of the far-right Federico Jiménez Losantos and performing the campaign for Milei.

The economic sphere is in the hands of Milei, but the one that marks a conservative political discourse is Villarruel. The daughter of an important general of the dictatorship, she is the founder of the Centre for Legal Studies on Victims and Terrorism (CELTYV). In his statements to Jiménez Losantos, the center "is designed to serve victims of guerrilla movements during the dictatorship". The Argentine journalist Izquierdo Diario makes a review of his figure and, as some associations of a memorial nature have already denounced, they have concluded that the intention of the centre is to conceal the massive murders of the military dictatorship that clarify the actions of the guerrillas. It may be a coincidence, but Villarruel created the institution in 2006, the same year that the Argentine courts began to analyze the crimes against humanity committed by the military dictatorship.

What do the surveys say?

The South American Strategic Geopolitical Center (CELAG) analyzes the situation of the countries of the continent. The organization publishes papers to investigate the political and economic context and make improvements. The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, or the former vice-president of Bolivia, Alvaro García Linera, are working in this work. In the report published last May, the institution has focused on Argentina and the report has provided clarifying data on the opinion of Argentinians.

These views may directly affect the October presidencies. On the vote intention, the report says that the extreme right now dominates. Although the study was conducted in May, there are data that allow all alarms to be switched on: Milei would win the first round of elections with 29.3% of the votes, left Denak movement with 26.1% and then former right-wing president Macri with 24.6%.

As I say, this would be a picture before the summer. In August each party will make primaries to elect presidents. In the case of Milei it is clear that he will be the candidate of the Askatasuna Aurrera Doa movement. When the race of all the official candidates begins after the primaries, we will see if Milei faces the challenge that he will continue to hold as before and if he “awakens the lions”.