Nanter prosecutor asks for the police prison that killed Nahel M.
  • At the public hearing on Wednesday, after taking the first steps of the open investigation, he requested the arrest of the police who fired because in that situation “there were no conditions for shooting”.
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Nenterreko istiluak Frantziako Estatuko beste hiri batzuetara zabaldu dira. (Argazkia: Zakaria Abdelkafi / AFP)

Nahel M died Tuesday in the city of Nanterre, next to Paris. The death of a 17-year-old boy causes a fire in the French state. Incidents have spread to other major state cities and 150 more people have been arrested on Wednesday night, according to the French Interior Ministry.

Six local police cars, a train, dozens of cars and a city hall have been burned in the riots open to the whole republic. Dozens of police officers have also been injured in the events. President Emmanuel Macron met this Thursday morning to discuss the revolt and the situation with representatives of different ministries: They have mobilized 40,000 policemen and raised me to face the protests, 5,000 of them in Paris.

Macron said on Wednesday morning that the death of the young man was “incomprehensible and without excuses” and expressed his condolences to the family. However, in his statements on Thursday he used a harsher melody, called to calm the situation and fought against the attacks of protests.

Version of the Prosecutor

According to the Nanter prosecutor, Pascal Prache, has listened to the two policemen, watched both public and citizen videos and explained what has happened: On Tuesday, around 7:55, the two policemen wanted to stop for the first time the car circulating rapidly on the bus route. When he was standing at a traffic light, they ordered him to do so by his side, but the driver ignored it and passed it in red.

The fueled car had to stop later in a traffic jam. The two police officers pulled out their guns and ordered the driver to turn off the car's contact. The driver ignored them and one of the cops shot him. The police itself first served Nahel M. They arrested the rear passenger of the car and the companion fled.

In the framework of the investigation opened by the “voluntary homicide”, two policemen passed on Wednesday morning before the judge and the one who shot explained that he did so to prevent a new leak, as the driver was driving dangerously and could run anyone. Having heard all that, the prosecutor believes that the situation did not require the use of the weapon, and therefore requests police imprisonment.

Remains Law 2017

There are many police shootings in France, but since 2017 they report that the situation has increased in many areas. The newspaper Le Monde has also made its editorial in this regard, noting that we are facing a “previously announced drama”, “because the event is directly related to the Public Safety Act passed in February 2017”, and that the shootings against cars under way after their approval have increased considerably.