Walls of music
Aritz Peñagarikano Irazusta 2024ko martxoaren 01a

The last crusade, the last pleasure, the last sigh... The repertoire of Basque music dedicated to the last is prolific. The latter, moreover, gains added value when it cannot be predicted, even if groups are increasingly measured when and how to say goodbye.

Recently, Huntza offered his last concert in Miribilla, Bilbao, although it was announced in February 2023. As for En Tol Sarmiento, last December the dates of the 20th anniversary shows were announced, days that the Alaveses considered historic. But the historic will be the wait, as ETS will play in March 2025 at the BEC of Barakaldo.

It is certainly not a criticism of the groups mentioned above, but an attempt to understand the current trend, as Jon Urzelai did in his essay His festak. In his book Urzelai states that we live in a paradigm that prioritizes containers versus content. Current behaviour cannot be better summarised. The current communication system makes us live, as if we were about to drown, on the threshold of the continuous ending. And where does that trend lead us? It's basically bulimic. The formula seems to work: choose the largest possible place, make a forecast long in advance, sell and exhaust ramp tickets, project the image of success, offer another event for the next function, hang sold out afix... bla, bla, bla. You know the story, it's not a matter of this morning. For example, Hertzainak simulated greeting three times, as ETS will.

In view of the storms of farewell concerts, I do not know the extent of the expectation for music or musicians, I do not know if music itself has fallen into the clutches of communication and consumption strategies.

Pulling his book Fuegos festak, I found myself in Jakin magazine with the shrub, surgical Okeyish analysis by Gorka Urbizu, which has begun. The text, which includes the words of Francis of Doctor Deseo, gathers the words of Lekunberri's musician: “Living from music is easy, the only condition is not to be a musician.” If the scene isn't what it was before, who is it moving?

Also, if we talk about content, musicians will have to be asked what comes when applause is silent. We must talk about the vulnerability of Basque creators or the drought in sales beyond the oasis of Durango. UNFORGETTABLE! MEMORABLE! HISTORICAL! Every time I read, I only see repetitions burned by epics. And seeing people's storms at farewell concerts, I don't know how much the expectation for music or musicians is, I don't know if music has fallen into the clutches of communication and consumption strategies until it becomes an empty commodity. As the lip sings, we get dressed up in the rules of others, unfortunately, we are on this wheel, whether we want it or not. That is all I am clear about.

But anyway, all right, hey! Going on forever. On the one hand, you know, and on the other, what do you mean? You'll be making bookings for the King Athletic Cup final, right? Don't leave it until the last day.

Aritz Peñagarikano Irazusta