Aitor Zabaleta recalls a mass demonstration
  • Hundreds of people met Aitor Zabaleta on Friday at the demonstration organized by Bultzada and other anti-fascist groups. It is 25 years since an ultraderechist killed the realist Aitor Zabaleta and in his memory, at 19:00, the demonstration departed from Boulevard. Besides the realists, they were also supporters of other groups and reminded other victims like Iñigo Cabacas. The demonstration ended with a floral offering on the Boulevard. Today, Saturday, the flowers of the tribute have been placed in Plaza Aitor Zabaleta de Ibaeta, opposite its photo.
Sara Ibarguren @saraibarguren Olatz Balda Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2023ko abenduaren 11
Ehunka lagun batu ziren Aitor Zabaletaren omenezko manifestazioan. (Argazkia: Olatz Balda)

Zabaleta was murdered in Madrid when she attended the UEFA Cup Qualifier match between Atlético de Madrid and Real Sociedad. On the outskirts of Vicente Calderón Stadium, some far-right men attacked Zabaleta, where one of the far-right, Ricardo Guerra, killed Zabaleta by knife.

The Real Sociedad will play Anoeta's next game on the 17th against Betis and will previously pay Zabaleta at 15:30 outside the stadium. The tribute will feature bertsolaris, musicians and friends and family of Zabaleta.

Here are some photos of yesterday's demonstration: