Alba García (Sumar)
Composition of the Government should be one of the progressive parties
  • Alba García de Sumar starts his speech by congratulating the most voted party: "Congratulations to the PNV as the winner of the elections". As for the results of Sumar, he says that they make a "positive assessment": "They were very complicated choices because they were very polarized between the two hegemonic options and we have managed to break that framework and that a part of the citizenry understands what was worth defending the strength of the confederal left in the first year of Sumar".
ARGIA @argia 2024ko apirilaren 21a

Alba García has announced about his work from tomorrow that "all the people who have voted for us and others who have voted in advance, we will certainly focus our efforts on Basque policy turning left to improve people's lives, especially in Osakidetza, on access to housing and care".

Referring to the government pacts, he suggested that "in the government we have a majority of seats the parties we name as leftist, and this should open up a reflection in the formation of the government, we believe that it should be progressive".

Looking ahead, he announced that "Sumar has a future": "We will continue to work to grow from village to village." Finally, he thanked Sumar's Spanish policy, Yolanda Díaz, "his support for the campaign".