The Education Act will maintain current language models, according to Andueza
  • EH Bildu parliamentarian Pello Otxandiano asked the PNV and the PSE-EE on Wednesday to clarify their views and on Thursday morning Eneko Andueza, PSE-EE Secretary-General, replied: “Current language models will be maintained.”
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urriaren 05a

Last Tuesday the final deadline for tabling amendments to the Education Act and the one presented by the PNV and the PSE-EE was agreed. The amendment has called into question EH Bildu because he understands that the current text puts the linguistic model at the centre of the law and that it has not been so far.

According to Jokin Bildarratz, current linguistic models should be “developed and updated” because current models do not correspond to the sociolinguistic realities of the centers. In view of this, it asked the PNV and the PSE-EE to jointly explain the meaning of the amendment.

They have not done so together, but Andueza has made clear in his statements on Thursday morning in the corridors of the Basque Parliament what the socialist vision is, and has ratified the consensus vision between both sides: “It was important for us to keep current models and not go to the monolingual, not go to a model of immersion. For us it is very important that all families choose the model they want, and the agreement guarantees it.”

According to Andueza, everyone is clear about what the transacted amendment means, including the lehendakari Urkullu, and the two government parties have said so in their respective hearings, Jokin Bildarratz is the only one who does not clearly understand that meaning: “It may be he who makes the wrong interpretation.”