At least 34 indigenous activists are detained in front of the White House for demanding the release of prisoner Leonard Peltier
  • Peltier has been in prison for 47 years on charges of killing two FBI agents. The prisoner has always defended his innocence and has been requested by various international institutions for his release.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 14a
Peltierrek 79 urte bete dituen egunean izan da protesta, irailaren 12an. (Argazkia: Democracy Now)

At least 34 indigenous activists have been arrested for calling on Joe Biden to release indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier from the White House. Peltier protested on the day of 79, on 12 September.

Peltier was incarcerated over 47 years ago for killing two FBI agents in 1975. In an atmosphere of protest between entrepreneurs and the police there was a shooting in which, in addition to FBI agents, an activist died, although they have never investigated the death of the entrepreneur. Peltier has always denied the death of those policemen, although he admitted at the trial his involvement in the shooting to defend himself.

Not only Peltier, but several international organizations have defended their innocence and called for their release, including Amnesty International. Also, James Reynolds, a prosecutor who helped imprison Peltier, asked Obama to release the prisoner, recognizing that it was a mistake to convict the entrepreneur and imprison.

Peltier is the longest serving political prisoner in the United States and worldwide. Patient: with diabetes, hypertension, partial blindness due to stroke and aortic aneurysm.