They call for Navarre budget money to be allocated to a minimum pension of €1,080
  • In Navarre, 51,000 people have a pension of less than €1,080. 66% are women. The Government of Navarra is being called upon to take responsibility and to secure minimum pensions.
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In Navarre, 51,000 people have a pension of less than €1,080. 66% are women. The gender gap becomes evident once again. This gap is closely linked to the tendency of women to work in care. The members of '1,080 euros now from Herri Ekimena' warn that they are insufficient incomes for a dignified life.

The Government of Navarra is being called upon to take responsibility and to secure minimum pensions. They consider that these are filling demands: "With EUR 60 million channelled, a pension of EUR 1,080 can be secured for 32,000 Navarros with lower pensions," explains Paula García.

Requests to the parties

They want to meet with the political parties to explain their demands and give them soluciones.En the stage of drawing up the General Budgets of Navarra next year, it is requested that the minimum pension for all Navarros be €1,080.

In addition to making it clear that this request is necessary, it will organise a "1.080 orain Herri Ekimena" demonstration. It will take place on 11 November, at five and a half pm, from the Baluarte.