The prosecution filed a complaint against EH Bildu's lists, stating that there is no crime
  • The Prosecutor’s Office of the National Court of Spain has opened and closed at the same time the complaint lodged by Dignity and Justice, the extreme right, that there is no crime settled on around 44 people convicted of assigning their membership to ETA on EH Bildu’s electoral lists. The association required the legalization of lists.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2023ko maiatzaren 17a
EH Bilduk txalotu egin zuten zazpi hautagaik pauso bat atzera emateko erabakia. (Argazkia: EH Bildu).

In the four-page resolution, the prosecution says that they have investigated the criminal records of those 44 people who have appeared in the press slogans and that there is no crime, as Europe Press has spread. The judges have assessed and decided that this is not a case of ineligibility, so they will not oppose these lists.

"In view of the criminal record of the persons mentioned, the facts reported are not punishable," they say.