Launch the Queen's Spring Campaign under the motto 'Resist Ours'
  • In Errigora, applications can be made for lots of support products to farmers in the central and coastal area of Navarra and to the Basque industry. Through web eus. Yesterday and until 13 March the campaign 'Resist Us' was launched, one of the baskets can be completed and ordered with products. They will reach the delivery points and each can choose where he will receive his. "You can buy local products at a fair price through the Queen," explains Haizea Lizarbe.
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The time has come to blow the farmers of the central area and the bank of Navarre and the Basque industry. From yesterday and until March 13, the deadline is open to complete the baskets with food in the Rubric with the 'Resist Our' campaign. In this campaign each can choose the lot of products they want to request. "It's an opportunity to cover pantry all year round. The catalog is ready and available on the web," explains Haizea Lizarbe, member of Errigora. "There are legumes, oil, rice, peppers or asparagus to choose from," he says. Everyone can choose what they want to be at their place of food and thus complete the basket.

Product selection is available in The request can be made either by telephone 848 87 12 23. Requests can be made from Monday to Friday by calling the phone. It is also necessary to specify at which point the personal basket will be made after these steps. In this way you will collaborate with the producers of the center and the bank and with the Basque: "All the products that are distributed with Errigora values have been produced in Navarra, these producers have opted for the Basque country, are part of the neighborhood work and the relationship with the farmers is adequate; they pay decent prices for the products", explains Lizarbe. It also brings much to the Basque industry. The interview with Haizea Lizarber in Euskalerria Irratia can be heard in full by clicking on the photo.