The demonstration claims that the Basque is official throughout Navarre
  • Hundreds of people have met in Euskal Herria in the mobilization of Euskaraz in Pamplona. They have abandoned the zoning law and have claimed that the Basque is official throughout Navarre.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko maiatzaren 15a
Alderdi politikoei dei egin diete datorrena "Ofizialtasunaren legealdia" izateko. (Argazkia: EHE)

Hundreds of people have claimed Euskera as an officer in Navarre in the mobilization called by Euskaraz on Saturday in Euskal Herria.

In the context of the election campaign, EHE invites political parties to become an "official legislature". "We are not prepared to see and live the legal violation of our language rights for another four years. We will not admit, once again, that in the initial negotiations of the legislature the Basque Government will fall in the first minute".

They explain that the zoning law that divided Navarre into three parts, and the mental framework created in this regard, "has perpetuated the consequences of the process of Basque minority". Although eight years have passed since the withdrawal of UPN from the Government of Navarra, EHE points out that the governments of Uxue Barkosen and Maria Chivite have not legally carried out the Basque Government’s official: "No significant structural leaps have been made either in the normalization process of the Basque Country or in the overcoming of zoning."

Struggle for the Basque

Today, Basques and Basques receivers account for 26.5% of the population of Nafarroa Garaia, whereas in 1986 they accounted for only 10%. Its merit in reading has been recognized to the struggle for Euskera in recent decades and today.

They have also wished to highlight two facts in recent months. On the one hand, the Navarro Council of the Basque Country adopted a position favorable to the official, without a vote against. Moreover, the declaration of the Council of Euskalgintza was soon supported by more than two hundred agents.


Mobilization images: