"The Basque Essential in the Great Tour", agreement so that when the Tour to Baiona arrives it can be given way to the Basque
  • After crossing Bilbao, Vitoria and San Sebastian, on 3 July the Tour de France arrives in Baiona. Aware of the impact of the career, the representatives of the company Amaury Sport, organizer of Bayona and the Tour, have signed an agreement to "value, disseminate and make known the Basque". The Basque country will have presence in the posters and/or communication media of the margins.
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Argazkia: Frantziako Tourra

Jean-Rene Etchegaray, President of Baiona and the Amaury Sport Organisation, Pierre-Yves Thoualt. They commit to "bilingual communication, signalling and animation", he stressed For example, the presence of Euskera in the destination arch, in the information panels and in the Tour Village will be guaranteed.

On the municipal website, only in French

For information on the agreement, the website of the City of Baiona has been consulted and it has been noted that the paragraph concerning the Tour de France is only in French. Looking outside the dove...