On the eve of the trials there is a dynamic of solidarity in favour of the Tubacex strikers
  • They appear massively on Sunday at the door of the company. One worker will be tried on Thursday and three in September. In total, 20 years of imprisonment and financial penalties for the seven citizens who participated in the Aiaralde strike movement.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2023ko ekainaren 12a
Argazkia: LAB Tubacex-Acva.

The event, organized by Tubacex defendants, family and friends, has been sponsored by the company committee and the Resistance Fund. They report that on Thursday 15 June a worker will be tried in the Courts of Vitoria and that they will hold a concentration of solidarity before the courts on the same day at 9:30 in the morning. The Prosecutor ' s Office requires the worker to be sentenced to 21 months in prison for an attack on authority and disobedience. In the hearing, they reported, however, that it was the Ertzaintza who acted violently with the worker, causing him an eternal injury at the time of arrest.

Two new trials in September

They announce at a press conference that there will be a judgment of the second in September. Three workers from other companies in the region will be tried by those involved in the strike movement, and the prosecution requires for the three a four-year and seven-month prison sentence. They denounce that with this prosecution they seek to criminalise the struggle and solidarity.

Call for solidarity

In addition to the four strikers to be prosecuted this week and September, there are two others waiting for trial. In total, the prosecution requires a 20-year prison sentence for all (two Ertzainas have been filed as a particular indictment in the proceedings against one of the strikers and ask for a three-year prison sentence when the prosecution requires 14 months).

A first trial, related to the Tubacex strike, was declared innocent by the court. The citizen then tried intervenes in the appearance, emphasizing that the trial evidenced the “lies of the ertzainas”. In the face of the forthcoming trials, they have demanded the acquittal of all the courts in the hearing and have called on the citizens to show solidarity.