Strike EITB radios against "impositions" and improving working conditions
  • Protest days have been announced on 14 and 26 September and 19 October. They denounce that in thirteen years they have not renewed the agreement and that the management has not respected the negotiating framework.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 12a
Langileen baldintzak hobetzeko eta egiten duten lana aitortzeko eskatu dute, baita negoziaketa markoa errespetatzeko ere. (Argazkia: EITB)

They have called for a strike at the EITB radios to improve working conditions and denounce the "impositions" of the management. Thursday will be the first day of strike, the same day that the general policy plenary is held in the Basque Government. The other two protests were announced on 26 September and 19 October. The strike was defended by a majority of the staff in the assemblies held in San Sebastian, Bilbao and Vitoria.

The Intercenters Commission of EITB Media Irratia, with the trade union representation of ELA, LAB and ESK, has denounced that they have not renewed the employment agreement for thirteen years, while workers have had to update and adapt their tasks. They denounce that the arrangements have been made "according to the needs of the company", "without negotiations and without consideration". Among other things, shifts have changed and tasks and workload have increased.

Three months ago, the Working Committee of EITB Media Irratia considered the negotiations on the convention to be broken. Because the management, "unilaterally", has "imposed" one of the points on its platform, leaving without effect the conditions for hiring the labour market. They call for improved working conditions and recognition of the work they do, and for the negotiating framework to be respected: "We're sick of impositions."

Violation of image rights

Another reason to go on strike is that the Basque Radio Boulevard program starts to broadcast at ETB2, because it has not recognized the image rights of workers. "We had a strong stand against and the direction was informed." For example, the workers of Gaztea Irratia rejected the image radio project if there is no negotiation on it.

According to the Commission, all these events have led to the assumption of circumstances and have "banished the work of many years".